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Topic: Game Review RULES< Next Oldest | Next Newest >
wilder Offline
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Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 4153
Joined: June 2003
Posted: Oct. 19 2005,16:22

1. Create New Topics only for games you played and you want to share your impressions of it.

2. Topic name should be, TITLE (platform), for example:

Quake 4 (PC)

3. Reply in topics ONLY if you played the game.  DO NOT reply just to say, "cool I think I'm going to get one".  Reply only to add your own impression to the review as well as to the previous post/replies for the same game.

4. If you need to make changes or add to your review, DO NOT hit reply.  Instead, EDIT your original post where you entered your review.

5. Add replies only if you need to comment to another users' post concerning the game and his opinion.  DO NOT reply with something like, "o thanks", or "cool".  More like, "and dont forget that other level where blah blah was doing this, and you had to do this and that in order to kill it..."    If you have nothing to add as a reply, do not reply!

Edited by wilder on Oct. 19 2005,16:23


AKA ~SyN~AmEn -- CTF
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