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+---Topic: TWISTY started by guns

Posted by: guns on Oct. 04 2005,20:53

Twisty my bro has been using fishinmaniac and playing almost every day why the hell did you give the pass to some kid ? wasnt even yours to give away man. Plz tell the kid to get the #### off, My bro is very upset..get on aim plz, ASAP. The stupid kid is acting liek he owns fish..wont even talk to us and he changed the pass.....

Posted by: wilder on Oct. 04 2005,23:25

some things needs to be PM or kept in the private area...

we dont need to bitch and embarass anyone here publicly.

if you dont have access to the private area... LET ME KNOW.

Posted by: guns on Oct. 05 2005,00:22

Hey its Ben,
                 I am frustrated not furious. lol. And sorry for Aaron not using PM for he was PM(SING).  Just let me know what the deal is.  Dont message me on my name just PM this name since i cant get on mine.  Although i did have Fish up to 70 stgr 65 att and 60 def and was gonna do members and get the whip. My game plan since im in college now and am only taking 12 credit hours. And maybe after x-mas I will have a desktop that can run UT. My laptop and mini-mouse arent gonna cut it but just irritate me.  Lata guys.

Posted by: slatts on Oct. 05 2005,02:05

Quote (guns @ Oct. 05 2005,00:22)
Hey its Ben,
                 I am frustrated not furious. lol. And sorry for Aaron not using PM for he was PM(SING).  Just let me know what the deal is.  Dont message me on my name just PM this name since i cant get on mine.  Although i did have Fish up to 70 stgr 65 att and 60 def and was gonna do members and get the whip. My game plan since im in college now and am only taking 12 credit hours. And maybe after x-mas I will have a desktop that can run UT. My laptop and mini-mouse arent gonna cut it but just irritate me.  Lata guys.

Dude give your little brother some

for the laptop issue... buy and use a monitor... plug it in.
worked for me a few years back...
just run Open GL driver... as your video card is probably NFG.


Posted by: guns on Oct. 05 2005,09:04

Ya my vid card robs 40m/b from my ram, but I put another stick in here. Honestly, what is a GL drive. Haha im looking at ordering parts and having my lil bro install for me. So I can have smooth fragging, none of this finding out I killed someone 5 seconds after it happens. lmao.  cya
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 05 2005,09:16

Quote (guns @ Oct. 05 2005,09:04)
Ya my vid card robs 40m/b from my ram, but I put another stick in here. Honestly, what is a GL drive. Haha im looking at ordering parts and having my lil bro install for me. So I can have smooth fragging, none of this finding out I killed someone 5 seconds after it happens. lmao.  cya

openGL driver Benjy.  :D Run UT in that, or whatever game your trying to play.
Posted by: guns on Oct. 05 2005,11:55

lol its Benji...and thnx for the cute name...ok so im just gonna search for GL driver one have aim or msn give me ur names so i can get help and ip's to play on..but that wont be till around thankgiving cause i odnt have UT disks with me up here. CYA
Posted by: guns on Oct. 06 2005,06:13

Hey, Its Aaron, Twisty dont worry about it I provided efficient information to change the account pass so i got him back, but twisty i just want you to wach out cuz your firend ried to scam us, he said he was gunna sell account on ebay and take all the rune (but there wasnt n e cuz we are smart) lol. Ne ways ill ttyl.

PS. I been getting on ut more often if we have a match get on aim and msg me i will come. i am pretty much always on aim. SN= SiNWTF peace

Posted by: Guest on Oct. 06 2005,07:48

Havent seen you on UT since that time I pwned you 15 - 5...  :D
Posted by: guns on Oct. 06 2005,12:16

Hey its Ben,
                   Just wait till i get UT cd's and figure out wtf a Gl driver is where it's located. But my english prof. is deciding taht she wants us to be her bitches and do numerous papers on nothing. So we'll see what happens after thanksgiving!!

Posted by: Guest on Oct. 06 2005,16:28

Hit me up on MSN, I will tell you what an openGL driver is & how to set up UT in openGL. And why should I just wait for you to get UT cd's? Not like you're gonna pwn me or anything...  :D  And just so you know, its good to be a teachers bitch, kiss ass to her & she will pass you!  :laugh:
Posted by: guns on Oct. 07 2005,23:51

lol...whats ur msn, and shes got a nice bod but beady eyes..kinda a lizard face...and I would stay after class and after hours with her for an A ...lmao...and remind me hwo helped teach when when bots owned u.!!!  Those were the days. peace  :O

Posted by: slatts on Oct. 08 2005,02:32

Sooo this Ben guy schooled you huh?
so how,when and were did he play... and what was his handle?

Posted by: guns on Oct. 08 2005,09:07

Slatts..this is aaron..Ben is my bro ..remeber he was ~SiN~Vannillagoriila then he changed to ~SiN~Trogdor ?
Posted by: slatts on Oct. 09 2005,14:24

oh ok.
Posted by: wilder on Oct. 10 2005,14:14

arent you suppose to get on ut more during summer time than school season?  hehehe

tsk tsk tsk!  make sure school comes first!

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