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+--Forum: ~SiN~ General Announcements ~
+---Topic: Welcome new member started by raven

Posted by: raven on April 03 2007,14:24

welcome a new ~SiN~ner

Jayce Donovan Sample

Born : March 31st 2007
Time: 21:16pm
Lbs :  7lb 12oz
Leng: 19 1/2 inches

Pictures will follow sometime this week


Posted by: wilder on April 03 2007,15:49

a little on the small side for a ~sinner~ ... :D  welcome!  and happy bday
Posted by: slatts on April 03 2007,17:18

Congrats... even though the little woman did most of the  :laugh:
Posted by: Queen-B on April 04 2007,12:49

Congrats,Thats really good news.Nice to hear from you also. :)
Posted by: wilder on April 04 2007,13:02

how come my font is black and you two are white?  :(
Posted by: Queen-B on April 05 2007,12:24

Yesterday I had to highlight the words to see them.   ???
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