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+--Forum: ~SiN~ General Announcements ~
+---Topic: Hey the Christmas Carols Thread started by Queen-B

Posted by: Queen-B on Dec. 20 2005,23:08;f=28;t=42

I tried to reply there but It said I couldnt. :down:
So I'm making this post to thank Slatts,that was really funny.

Get a job youuuu bum,bum,bum,bummmm.Money dont grow on trees you bum,bum.bummmm. :D

Oh come all ye Illegal ImmIgrants,come and get them green cards and learn some damn english and then how to drive.

P.S -I like tater tots haha.

Posted by: slatts on Dec. 20 2005,23:52

Tater tots almost had me pissing my self....  :laugh:
i have been singing Blue Balls at work for two days now..

i wonder why you can't reply.... will look wheni get home from work.

Posted by: Guest on Dec. 22 2005,08:46

I used to get that on here, not being able to reply in cetain areas... Then the gods blessed me with forum admin rights!  :D
Posted by: Queen-B on Dec. 22 2005,17:54

Hmmmmmmmm  I still cant reply over on that thread Slatts.
Do I need to be added to a group or something?Is that board private? :p

Posted by: slatts on Dec. 22 2005,21:27

Quote (Queen-B @ Dec. 22 2005,18:54)
Hmmmmmmmm  I still cant reply over on that thread Slatts.
Do I need to be added to a group or something?Is that board private? :p

Na.. i will have to go in and investage the forum areas.
at first you were set as a forum member, and i cought that one. and set you as an ironclan member, last night i set you as a DM clan member... wtf?

something has been screwed up when we tried to set forum up for the CTF group and the IronMan group, and the DM group... each group had there own section with some groups who could do all groups... some were something went wrong.

don't worry i won't leave you hanging.. give me a day or two to see WTF is going on.  :down:

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