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+---Topic: Glory Days started by Byte_mE

Posted by: Byte_mE on Sep. 03 2005,13:44

My personal top 100... well 99... Because it's all about me..
you'll recognise some of the folks that I've owned,
...SiNNeRz past and present..

the matches are mixed ut99, ut2k3 and 2k4...



































































































Posted by: slatts on Sep. 05 2005,12:14

is there really 100 pics in that post?
must have taken an hour to put together...

Posted by: Queen-B on Sep. 05 2005,22:48

Good games,Awful lot there. :O

Was tired lastnight when I posted that,so I'll edit to add this.
Lots of kewl skins and stuff there too.I love looking at screenies,I was looking to see If I was In one of them doesnt look like It.I'll have to post some up soon too.Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted by: wilder on Sep. 08 2005,11:17

man I almost forgot about ut2k3/4  :D

Nice screenies!

if you run into roxxx, tell him I said hi!

Posted by: slatts on Sep. 08 2005,19:22

Quote (wilder @ Sep. 08 2005,11:17)
man I almost forgot about ut2k3/4  :D


i have it installed... but never use it. everything is stock. and i have no patches or mods.. so most servers are not accessable to me.

Posted by: Byte_mE on Sep. 09 2005,08:28

Wilder wrote
"man I almost forgot about ut2k3/4  :D

Nice screenies!

if you run into roxxx, tell him I said hi!"

I still work with r0xxx, he is busy with life, buying a house and
a year old son, i harass him to check in but he is a busy guy...
i'll say hey for you..

slatts wrote

i have it installed... but never use it. everything is stock.
and i have no patches or mods.. so most servers are not accessable to me.

dude.. put in patch 3355, the gameplay is much improved over 2k3. there
are alot of good servers.

right now only me, q-ball, raven and r0xxx even play 2k4

check out < >

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