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+---Topic: To ppl who accuses us of cheating... started by wilder

Posted by: wilder on Aug. 28 2005,23:05

Posted by: Guest on Aug. 29 2005,09:14

lol, i seen that video before...  :p

Who accuses you guys?

Posted by: -=)V(artin=- on Aug. 29 2005,11:26

Posted by: slatts on Aug. 30 2005,19:34

Quote (SKRUVIS @ Aug. 29 2005,09:14)
lol, i seen that video before...  :p

Who accuses you guys?

anyone who has been playing longer then 6 months and can't keep up to someone who can.  :oops:
Posted by: wilder on Aug. 30 2005,20:57

it's a rehash.  hehehe
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