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+---Topic: Happy Birthday started by raven

Posted by: raven on Jan. 14 2007,12:11

Happy B-day Becky (Queen-B)

I can't recall but I think the 26th year of life?

wishing you the best

Posted by: Queen-B on Jan. 14 2007,14:17

Awe ,Thank you very much.   :p   Wow It's been just about 7 years since we met.How time flies.  :O      25.   :)    How old are you now?
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 18 2007,15:33

oh snap! SORRY BECKY!!! happy late B-day!  :(  Pls dont kill me???
Posted by: slatts on Jan. 18 2007,23:25

Quote (Queen-B @ Jan. 14 2007,14:17)
Awe ,Thank you very much.   :p   Wow It's been just about 7 years since we met.How time flies.  :O      25.   :)    How old are you now?

happy birthday... and he is just going on 11 j/k
Posted by: Byte_mE on Jan. 20 2007,10:08

happy birthday Becky.. I wish I was 25 again..
Posted by: ~AngelBoo~ on Jan. 22 2007,09:12

<hr Posted by: Queen-B on Jan. 25 2007,16:00

Thanks everyone.     thank you BOO.   :)
Posted by: wilder on Jan. 29 2007,12:13

happy bday beck!
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