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+---Topic: Good to see started by twistytank

Posted by: twistytank on July 27 2011,01:35

ggs to Demon Vicious Va Gurl Nanakies Stray Inferno, and all the various other new players who popped in :cool:  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:  :cool:  
Posted by: Guest on July 27 2011,09:14

Was a real good time and nice to see a full server. Havnt seen that in years. We should choose a day/time(s) and do this more often.
Posted by: GurL on July 27 2011,11:19

That old man made me work my ass off! :laugh:
Posted by: Guest on July 27 2011,13:09

Quote (GurL @ July 27 2011,12:19)
That old man made me work my ass off! :laugh:

pick pick pick pick pick  :p
Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 03 2011,16:25

you guys need to get back on havent seen people since lol
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