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+---Topic: Ello started by Doll_Face

Posted by: Doll_Face on Jan. 03 2008,14:06

How's it goin ~SiN~?

Just wanted to stop in and say hi, come visit us as well if you'd like:

I just added your server and hopefully play some games, I'm an instagib/zark player though so you'll all own me no doubt.

Feel free to hit me up on
or xfire solathaya

Cheers :)


Posted by: slatts on Jan. 03 2008,14:41

welcome aboard... we will hit you up.
Posted by: Angel Du$T! on Jan. 03 2008,17:42

hi , nice too see you here :)
Posted by: Doll_Face on Jan. 07 2008,13:42

Thanks guys, for the welcome.I'm amazed at the skill of those of you that I've played.
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 07 2008,14:20

hey you, how ya been?? as you know, i don't play UT much
anymore.. due to my gay mouse that i'm gonna smash soon...

Posted by: Doll_Face on Jan. 08 2008,18:39

Hey Drew,nice to see you again. I am good and things have been busy for me with work. What have you been up to these days?Uhhmm btw, why don't you just buy a new mouse, genius?  :laugh:

Posted by: Guest on Jan. 09 2008,19:07

that's the thing... it IS a new mouse!  :angry:  lol
Posted by: Angel Du$T! on Jan. 10 2008,15:22

why you change mouse in first place??
Posted by: slatts on Jan. 10 2008,18:42

i fragged him 30 to 29 and he got mad and threw it... J/K. lol :p
Posted by: Angel Du$T! on Jan. 10 2008,18:54

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