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+---Topic: ~SiNNeRz~ started by BaNe

Posted by: Guest on Dec. 02 2006,13:19

and one of DeMoN and his bro ViCiOuS! pwning.. as usual! :)

seen Twisty on late one night a few weeks back, gotta get more of us out there... as Byte_me would say.. " Now get out there and ~SiN~ ! "
Posted by: Queen-B on Dec. 07 2006,14:15

Kewl nice to see.Hey whos Connor an alias or a good noob? lol.
Posted by: slatts on Dec. 07 2006,17:27

i was able to get in a few games myself.. played a while with ~SiN~Fireman.. for a couple of levels... some guy passing himself off as ~SiN~Ghost_Of_You.
Posted by: Guest on Dec. 07 2006,18:13

~SiN~Ghost_of_you is Becky ( another member from {2399} that joined us ) she's been around for awhile.. just never posts.. like FireMan, among many others! * HINT! *  :D  

here's my favorites list if anyone ever wants to find me.

Favorites[0]=        ~SiN~   Dead Clan Walking\\7778\False
Favorites[1]=** Lady's Paradise --155/55 LowGrav--DM & iCTF--[High-Performance Server!],[Adults-Only]\\7778\False
Favorites[2]=*Xx_ELITE_xX* 's ~CARNAVAL of CHAOS~ Death Match [CSHP]\\7778\False
Favorites[3]=*Xx_ELITE_xX*'s ~CRISPY CRITTERZ~ - Mod Sniper Server!! AppleCrispy, BinslayerV2 + GMC Maps [PURE]\\7778\False
Favorites[4]=GMC  -=ScA=--=FOREVER=-\\7778\False
Favorites[5]=GMC {2399} The much FEARED\\9989\False
Favorites[6]=Plissken's Escape IV\\7778\False
Favorites[7]=[ASC] zp| -={HNC}=- LGIG 155/55  # 3\\7778\False
Favorites[8]=[CK] ChUmPyKiLLeRz - Public Openplaying\\7788\False
Favorites[9]=[CODE] Old School Arena & NCS Guns - DM & CTF -\\7778\False
Favorites[10]=[CSHP] [FFH] AND =]DS[= UT99 DM/CTF SERVER BOTH OF US R GAMING COMMUNITYS!!!!!!\\7778\False
Favorites[11]=[KFH]_((((STAR_WARS)))) *Low Grav* 155/55 Regs + KFH pistols* [PURE]\\7778\False
Favorites[12]=[PURE] zp| Burrserv\\7778\False
Favorites[13]=zp2| {HOG}WarMachine DM iDM CTF iCTF\\7778\False
Favorites[14]=zp| -=ScA=-Revolutions !\\7778\False
Favorites[15]=zp| -={HNC}=- LGIG 155/55  # 1\\7778\False
Favorites[16]=zp| L O W  G R A V I T Y  I N S T A G I B  &  S N I P E R  P U B L I C  S E R V E R\\7778\False
Favorites[17]=zp| >> TammY #1 CTF InStaGib Server\\7701\False
Favorites[18]=zp| P U B L I C   ¤   ~W¤0T~   ¤   I N S T A   &   B U N N Y T R A C K  | NG |\\7778\False
Favorites[19]=zp| [KFH]_((((REGS~+~INSTAGIB))))*Lowgrav~GMC~\\7778\False
Favorites[20]=~SiN~ 1 on 1\\7778\False
Posted by: slatts on Dec. 07 2006,19:58

Quote (BaNe @ Dec. 07 2006,18:13)
~SiN~Ghost_of_you is Becky ( another member from {2399} that joined us ) she's been around for awhile.. just never posts.. like FireMan, among many others! * HINT! *  :D  

Ahh. i thought it was that Wilder guy... i was waiting for his

i thought i read somewere he said it was him...  :laugh:
Posted by: Guest on Dec. 07 2006,21:27

plays simular... wicked aim like his. but nope, its a gal!  :D
Posted by: slatts on Dec. 07 2006,21:37

the lost sheep
Posted by: Queen-B on Dec. 08 2006,12:07

Thats lil becky.   :)     She's a good girl.
Posted by: Guest on Dec. 08 2006,15:36

yes she is, rarely see her anymore... need to get both her and FireMan on the forums.
Posted by: slatts on Dec. 08 2006,17:29

lot more than that... :(
Posted by: Guest on Dec. 08 2006,18:50

sorta miss Twisty & DeMoN's posting spree's.. ViCiOuS i spoke to him the other day on the phone, dudes MAD busy these days... C'MON PEOPLE! UP FUX THE WAKE ####!!!  :p
Posted by: Byte_mE on Dec. 09 2006,11:07

glad to see that we're still out there ~SiN~ning

been in Houston on business for a couple of weeks, can't wait to game this weekend
Posted by: vicious_killer on Dec. 10 2006,13:48

lol i fel that, i try to play as much as possible and get stuff out there you know. pwning bane is a privalive, cause he and demon are my mentors, hard to pwn demon though, especially if you esr kill him or spawn kill him he goes balistic lol.... thats my liol brother though, i get around though and pwn once in a while, some times i even hunt bane just for the fun of it, HE SAID ID NEVER BE ABLE TO NUKE HIM HAHAHA, how many times i nuke you last week bane :-D love you all ... sinnerz we have to get out there, and do a tdm or something, let them all know... we still alive and kicking ( OVER AND OUT ) VICIOUS_SIN SINNER FOR LIFE
Posted by: ~AngelBoo~ on Dec. 12 2006,14:55

Nice ss #### i miss ut lol

I think im gonna dl ut again  :D
Posted by: Queen-B on Dec. 12 2006,17:25

Yeah I been busy with alot of things too.I'm thinking It will pick up In the spring.   :p    ..Good to see we are all alive and well.   :O
Posted by: vicious_killer on Dec. 16 2006,12:42

def doing well i jjust work my little tail off, trying to get my life situated you know, with parole and everything it aint easy, i just wrather stay in the house and play ut, then go out and acctually kill some one tehese days im goriwing up.... lol... bout time right, no more neck braces,  no more jail sprees and in demons case no more burned to shit hands LMAO.... its life though, and us sinners are still alive, i will be in sin till the day my casket closes in the dirt, and i hope all of you will throw in a mouse and a key pad, with a tower and a monitor to send me to heaven with so i can play ut there to :) and post here on the forums, #### im a sinner for life and the SIN DEVIL HAS GOT AHOLD OF ME :angry:
Posted by: twistytank on Jan. 21 2007,04:05

I play when I can but unfortunately thats not very often, I never usually even join a game because i never see anyone i recognize/i see no one at all :( , I've had a tough few months but im still sin4life :p
Posted by: twistytank on Jan. 21 2007,04:06

I play when I can but unfortunately thats not very often, I never usually even join a game because i never see anyone i recognize/i see no one at all :( , I've had a tough few months but im still sin4life :p
Posted by: Byte_mE on Jan. 21 2007,08:58're back, good to see your still kicking brother. come play 2k4 with me.

time to get out there and ~SiN~
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