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+---Topic: YOU MUST TRY THIS! started by Xofer

Posted by: Xofer on Nov. 08 2005,16:29

< >

let's see how far we can get in this thing. its so hard.
im only on level5 and still can't get it.

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Nov. 08 2005,21:50

ur so late on that me and twisty got mad far in that
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Nov. 08 2005,21:51

i think twit got to 70 something i stoped bout 30 something
Posted by: Guest on Nov. 09 2005,10:10

Eh, Xofer bro be glad man... You got alot farther then I did!  :angry:  lol
Posted by: Xofer on Nov. 09 2005,12:42

well jon"mr. bigshot." tell me the username and password for level 5 then.
Posted by: Guest on Nov. 09 2005,16:34

LoL! He prolly has it memorized!  :p  If he dont, Twisty does.
Posted by: Xofer on Nov. 10 2005,12:32

yeah. i wouldn't doubt it.

im on level 8 now.

Posted by: Guest on Nov. 10 2005,13:44

You made it to level 8? And you wanted the username & PW for level 5?  :oo:  LoL
Posted by: raven on Nov. 10 2005,13:47

hell i can't get past lvl 3.... then again.. I don't konw any back door stuff......

I figure the "don't be so negative" had to do something with the plus key.... but apparently not...  turn on?? beats the #### outta me....


Posted by: twistytank on Nov. 11 2005,15:52

the answer to level 57 is batman turkey :blues: \

and 75 is scandalous.htm

i beat the whole thing xof, gl turdboy

Posted by: twistytank on Nov. 11 2005,15:53

raven look in the addy bar and see what could be negative and change it to its positive form,

chris 8s pretty tough, the jaypack things kinda ridiculous just means jpeg, but the whole just remember the 2nd song and jaypack is not a band is where the puzzle lies

Posted by: Xofer on Nov. 12 2005,12:05

i've read the hints on the forums, and i figured out the jpeg thing, the second song has me stubled because i cant find the address to download it or hear it. does it matter that im using firefox instead of ie?
Posted by: twistytank on Nov. 12 2005,21:12

look in source code for 2nd song  :P

Posted by: raven on Nov. 13 2005,09:22

i changed the false to true... gave me a "that page don't exist" screen check addy and try again.....

any how..


for some reason it worked this time.....

Posted by: slatts on Nov. 13 2005,16:10

said Fk this after hitting level 4 and required a password
Posted by: Xofer on Nov. 13 2005,17:21

you needed to figure ou the username and pass. to go to next level :)
Posted by: slatts on Nov. 13 2005,23:10

Quote (Xofer @ Nov. 13 2005,18:21)
you needed to figure ou the username and pass. to go to next level :)

yes i figured that ....but i don't have the time to dick with this stuff
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Nov. 16 2005,13:27

lmao me and twisty went at it for a while i gave up after a while got prity far tho twisty finished it tho lolol
Posted by: Xofer on Nov. 16 2005,15:53

my ADD kicked in and i quit.
i dont have the time.

Posted by: -=)V(artin=- on Nov. 17 2005,17:39

i dont get it, do i click on shit or what? i gave up at lvl 1
Posted by: Guest on Nov. 18 2005,11:18

I think its kinda stupid my self Martin, dont feel bad bro!  :D
Posted by: raven on Nov. 18 2005,12:02

you dumbasses, it's a mental puzzle game thing.

click to get to level 2..... now you need to get to level 3, so how do you go about doing that.

I'm an idiot and figured that one out :D

look at address.  hell, they even have a hints page


Posted by: slatts on Nov. 18 2005,19:22

level 1 says open the door.
so click on

the rest is up to you...

someone want to give me the answer to level 4?
i don't have time to keep gooooogle'ing

Posted by: raven on Nov. 18 2005,21:30

that is the easy one... it's morse code on the drawer.

googling the next puzzle however is a bitch.

i still haven't the answer for that one


Posted by: twistytank on Nov. 18 2005,22:55

raven look at the album cover, google the lyrics along with the name of the band on that
Posted by: twistytank on Nov. 18 2005,22:56

btw if anyone else finishes the positive levels, im looking for someone to do the negative notpron levels with, and maybe the greek alphabet levels if we get that far
Posted by: slatts on May 12 2008,18:41

anyone still doing this? or finish it?
Posted by: Guest on May 12 2008,19:07

talking 'bout digging up an old post!  :D

never finished it... not my type of game. if it aint killin'?
i AINT willin'!   :p

Posted by: slatts on May 12 2008,22:33

nope but my boss was working on a number puzzle.
and we started talking about puzzles. he said it didn't like the average ones or crosswords... i remembered this one and looked it up and emailed it to him.
wonder if he will pull his hair out or not.  ;)

Posted by: Angel Du$T! on May 13 2008,09:51

im stuck in level 2
Posted by: slatts on May 13 2008,21:20

dont feel bad. we all have been.
Posted by: raven on May 19 2008,08:09

< >

just reposting so no one has to dig the first post out


Posted by: twistytank on May 22 2008,17:38

OH NO.... im going to get absolutely hooked on this again now that its been dug up, I quit a few months ago on the 14th negative level
Posted by: slatts on May 23 2008,01:35

Quote (twistytank @ May 22 2008,18:38)
OH NO.... im going to get absolutely hooked on this again now that its been dug up, I quit a few months ago on the 14th negative level

LMAO @ U... i gave up to... a while ago..
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