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+---Topic: hey sup ? its Lil_J started by Lil_J

Posted by: Lil_J on Oct. 26 2005,13:16

hey guys me and my dad use to be some bad ass ut99 games u might know my dad as 56k or {HOG}56k im {HOG}lil_J but hog people dont play mych im looking for a playing clan i preaty good :0 and i jsut got back into ut99 and ya u all know my dad was top #1 in the world :) for 2 weeks but than my dad got out of ut and dont play no more but i still do :) is u guys want to add me on msn and chat add me well later guys im out peace
Posted by: Queen-B on Oct. 26 2005,14:35

Hello,not sure who the recruiter Is maybe there are a bunch or we all are. :p  I'm sure someone will respond to you.
Posted by: Lil_J on Oct. 26 2005,17:04

ok ty bra
Posted by: Xofer on Oct. 26 2005,17:07

i think the recruiter is all of us, but wilder probably has final say

how long you been playing?
are you serious about comitting to the clan, we are pretty picky on our members because we dont want people hopping in and out of ~SiN~  we're like a family. :)

Posted by: slatts on Oct. 26 2005,17:33

Quote (Xofer @ Oct. 26 2005,17:07)
i think the recruiter is all of us, but wilder probably has final say

the way we have done it in the past, is
someone has to sponcer. you fill out the questionaire.
run with us for a while then we vote.

Posted by: slatts on Oct. 26 2005,17:35

Quote (Lil_J @ Oct. 26 2005,13:16)
hey guys me and my dad use to be some bad ass ut99 games u might know my dad as 56k or {HOG}56k im {HOG}lil_J but hog people dont play mych im looking for a playing clan i preaty good :0 and i jsut got back into ut99 and ya u all know my dad was top #1 in the world :) for 2 weeks but than my dad got out of ut and dont play no more but i still do :) is u guys want to add me on msn and chat add me well later guys im out peace

just hang around and get to know us,
i know what clan your from,

Thumper left this clan to go help his brother out with the hog clan a couple of years ago.

Posted by: Lil_J on Oct. 26 2005,21:47

ok kewl guys well im 13 now ive been playing since i was 7 :) i preaty good and yes i am sercus about gaming i know sin is a good clan and is a playing caln i comit my self to sin :) i dunno if u will accept my age :( hopfully u will wink wink nudge nudge lol  :)
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 26 2005,23:33

The age thing is ok, * I think * When you applied to our forums it asks if you're 13 or older I believe? And yes Lil_J, for not playing UT99 you do have some really good skills but here in ~SiN~ its not about skills bro, its more about personality etc. Like Slatts said, hang around a bit, get to know us a bit more & I am sure we will decide. Just hang tight bro.  ;)
Posted by: Lil_J on Oct. 27 2005,17:48

ok right on bro i hope to play wif yas lol even tho will will kik my little but hehe lol yes i know it dont matter how good u are it maters if u care cool and karing sorda kinda thing well i gtg to our school dance :) lol to dance wif da ladies well later bros :)
Posted by: slatts on Oct. 27 2005,19:45

Quote (Lil_J @ Oct. 27 2005,17:48)
ok right on bro i hope to play wif yas lol even tho will will kik my little but hehe lol yes i know it dont matter how good u are it maters if u care cool and karing sorda kinda thing well i gtg to our school dance :) lol to dance wif da ladies well later bros :)

be carefull as to the slang you use.... cause wif.. could be Wife :blush:
Posted by: raven on Oct. 27 2005,22:41

:D at Slatts..

I think he's a worse speller than Gunz ever was, gotta break out my dictionary again.....


Posted by: Lil_J on Oct. 28 2005,12:55

lol yes i spell bad but wif is slag lol for with :) not wife ;) lol
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 28 2005,13:48

You know " slag " means " whore " to those in the UK, but I dont think any of us here are from there!  :p
Posted by: Queen-B on Oct. 28 2005,16:06

Slang he said like a lingo.
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 28 2005,16:25

Quote (Lil_J @ Oct. 28 2005,12:55)
lol yes i spell bad but wif is slag lol for with :) not wife ;) lol

Read again Becky monster...  :p
Posted by: Xofer on Oct. 28 2005,18:48

its supposed to be slang but its a typo.
Posted by: slatts on Oct. 28 2005,19:01

Quote (Lil_J @ Oct. 28 2005,12:55)
lol yes i spell bad but wif is slag lol for with :) not wife ;) lol

it's all in good fine.
testing your sence of Humour....  ;)

Posted by: Guest on Oct. 28 2005,22:31

yup yup, ditto.  ;)
Posted by: wilder on Oct. 29 2005,02:51

I dont have the final say in anytihng!  

pretty much no one gets in withint a Sinner vouching for that person.  So one of us needs to go get to know a possible new recruit and see if he/she is compatible with our clan or what not.

Then when he or she things he;s cool, we all vote on to give him a trial or not.  There's no formal test or matches... just see how he/she behaves over the next month as a trial Sinner.  If she/he acts like what he advertises, then he's in.

pretty much all of us are usually cool when voting... the voting process is normally when one of us have a red flag.

like... hey i know that guy... he's been caught botting in 20 servers!  blah blah.

a null-vote is as good as a yes vote.  in order for that person not to get a trial will need a majoriy NO vote.  Rather than a yes vote.

Almost the same process when we need to kick someone from the clan.  but that is rare and has never really happened... most of the time, new players just dont make it through the trials, or they leave on their own.

Posted by: Lil_J on Oct. 29 2005,13:49

ok i respect your desision i play on fsw freak show most of the time so catch me there :)
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