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+---Topic: WHAZZZUUUPP!!! started by ultrox

Posted by: ultrox on Jan. 17 2006,17:10

Itīs been awful quiet from you guys :blues:

Sup :upside:

Iīve only seen ghost of you out there..


Posted by: wilder on Jan. 17 2006,17:56

wazzzup :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

nuttin... watching the game... smoking one...

waaaaaaaazzzup :P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No one plays when I play... but working 11am - 8pm doesnt really help much when you play after 10pm.

Posted by: Guest on Jan. 18 2006,15:40

I play after 11 pm most nights, wanna catch some games guys?  :D
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 24 2006,17:30

Offer still stands!  :glare:  lol
Posted by: Byte_mE on Jan. 24 2006,21:37

2k4....? anyone??
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 24 2006,22:51

2K4, 99? Which ever.  :D
Posted by: slatts on Jan. 26 2006,02:33

i am home around 2:30 am EST

Byte you got to hook me up with a list of things i need and were i can find them for my 2004.
i may give it a spin again.

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