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+---Topic: Survived another Hurricane started by Byte_mE

Posted by: Byte_mE on Oct. 28 2005,21:02

I am back, it almost feels like from the dead. Hurricane Wilma
was the strongest storm on record. It hit us as a catagory 3
and we had winds in Jupiter Fl clocked between 110 and 115
mph. We got our electricity back tonight and I consider myself
lucky as some folks are not going to see the light until the
last week of November. Petrol is scarce with lines at the
pumps sometimes over a hundred cars long. We're slowly
coming back to life, my wife works for the local hospital and I
work for the power company so we had to start work the day
after landfall. South Florida is a wreck and driving with no
traffic signals is dangerous to say the least. Our prayers go
out to all who survived the storms and we're glad to be
among the living. Hopefully no other SiNNeRz had to endure
the wrath of this storm season.

It's good to be a survivor..

now it's time to get out there and ~SiN~


Posted by: Guest on Oct. 28 2005,22:35

Glad you and your family got through it bro, dont over work yourself too much either! I feel so bad for all the people down south these days, seems the storms just cant leave ya'll alone!  :down:
Posted by: wilder on Oct. 29 2005,02:40

I hope storm season is over for you guys.  Floridians been through enough storms this year.

Glad you and your family are okay byte!

Posted by: raven on Oct. 29 2005,08:05

yeah up her in Wally world IA, they made some lame excuse as to why the prices went up on things in the store... but you know it's all because Wal-Mart lost about 200 stores, probally making an average of 200k a week, so you know that's gotta hurt....

and I figured out why you have stayed down there so long too, and work for the power co. as long as you have....

Cause you know that you will always be needed every year and you will be getting a lot of OT  :laugh:  :p  :cool:

Get being safe man..



Posted by: Byte_mE on Oct. 29 2005,08:28

We have lived in Florida for 18 years. My wife and I have
family here and most of the time it'a really nice place
to live. These last 2 years have been tough with 8 hurricanes
dancing on our heads. I have considered moving but the
family ties are strong. The OT is not bad either ;)

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