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+---Topic: UT2k4StrikeForce Screen shots started by Queen-B

Posted by: Queen-B on Feb. 27 2005,05:24

Remember I talked to ya bout this Brian?Well check these out.
Me and Lord FUSION downloaded It lastnight,It's awesome,check out these screenies.
Made from the old dog town map

Me dropping a few.

The china map looks lovely. :P

Kewl desert map.

Tropics map with some skinny guy In front of me hahaha

Just pretty

Another pretty one.

Basketball hahaha.

And last but not least a knife kill,muhhahhaaha  

Well hopefully you all liked them and If you want the mod you can find It on fileplanet or ask me.

Posted by: Guest on Feb. 27 2005,22:24

Dayem! Those screenies look nice, I might be interested in that mod... Just witing to get my new card 1st tho!  :D
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