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+---Topic: Bane look alike started by BURRMAN

Posted by: BURRMAN on Oct. 21 2005,21:12

Well what do yall say is this a bane look alike or what please compare to this picure here

Posted by: vicious_killer on Oct. 21 2005,21:17

yeah never thought it could be true, is that bane before he lost all his hair on his head :-O didnt mean to put you out there ......!  :oops:
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 21 2005,21:32

Please dont mind Burrman guys.. He just has some " special feeling & thoughts " about me...  :down:  And NO! I do NOT look like that.. umm... Fool?
Posted by: raven on Oct. 21 2005,21:59

yeah, gotta love plastic surgery, eh bane,  :rock:  ;)
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 21 2005,23:15

You BASTAGE rAveN!!!!  :angry:  lol And oh yeah, I found a pic of Burrman but I dont think we can post it here...  :oo:

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Oct. 22 2005,01:24

looks just like him caz bane is gay
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 22 2005,01:33

.... Is there a way I could post a pic of something for " adults only" ? I have a really sad sad pic of Burrman and I dont think the kiddies should beable to see it.. Although it isnt much to see...  :laugh:
Posted by: raven on Oct. 22 2005,07:53

a section could be made for that..... but I'll leave that up to the wildman.....

btw, I was defending you!!!

kind of with the back handedness of my smack :D

Posted by: Guest on Oct. 22 2005,12:22

You were defending me?  :oo:  Wow.... Cant wait to see how the others defend me on this...  :down:  lol
Posted by: twistytank on Oct. 22 2005,14:13

im not, im gonna say you look impeccably like the one on the right, OWNED by burr
Posted by: wilder on Oct. 23 2005,08:53

i thought we are already 18+ in all areas?!?!?!  lmao
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 23 2005,20:20

I thought our forums were umm.. Uhhhh.. Kid friendly or whatever?  :oo:  Doubt if it was you would like me posting the pic I am speaking of!  :D
Posted by: Xofer on Oct. 24 2005,14:20

you pussy, just post it.  >.<
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 24 2005,14:31

SEE! Xofer's not 18! I cant post it!  :down:  lol
Posted by: wilder on Oct. 24 2005,18:32

go invade their forum and post over there!  it's 18+ over there and link it to here.  hehehehe ;-)
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 24 2005,21:09

LMAO! Good idea bro!  :D
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