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+---Topic: Missed opportunities started by raven

Posted by: raven on Jan. 09 2006,08:37

Not that i visit and chat with you all too terribly much anymore. I want you all to know that my mom passed away Sun AM.


So if you haven't said I love you to your mom or any other family member lately, drop them a line or visit them.  Let them know you are still around and love them, or it may be too late.

Because if you don't, you'll have missed your opportunity and will hate yourself for it.

Posted by: slatts on Jan. 09 2006,10:45

sorry to hear that man.

Posted by: Queen-B on Jan. 09 2006,13:44

:(  Crying as soon I read It Instant tears.Dont have many words,right now.Sorry for your loss.  :(
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 09 2006,14:56

Im lost for words bro, my thoughts are with you & your family.
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Jan. 10 2006,05:06

sorry to hear man.
Posted by: Byte_mE on Jan. 10 2006,21:31

Life is short, family is all that matters.

My sympathies to you and your family.

Posted by: wilder on Jan. 13 2006,15:37

Raven, there's no right words to say in times like this.  I'm said to hear it happened bro.
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