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+---Topic: Scrim with =DSA= anyone? started by BaNe

Posted by: Guest on Feb. 14 2005,07:45

I am trying to set up a scrim with them and I am shooting for a week or two but nothing is set in stone as of yet. So if anyones interested please let me know.
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 16 2005,20:19

im in for it we just got to c who can be there
Posted by: Guest on Feb. 16 2005,21:18

Well, if we can get atleast two more people we can do 4 vs. 4 on our server or theirs?
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 17 2005,01:50

sundays work for me around 7pm eastern
Posted by: raven on Feb. 17 2005,09:06

As some of you who frequent here, I was having video problems.

thanks wilder for your suggestion, but the 9800 pro was crap to me, so I switched out for gforce

6600 GT

so far so good and I'm ready to rock as Bane can attest to ;)

not to mention some others and I gave demon a go for it.

I can do anytime before 930 pm cst and I'm off Thurs.

unless I am in my default sleeping stage


Posted by: Guest on Feb. 17 2005,15:59

Ok, thats four of us!  :)  I am going to go post on their forum for a scrim on Sunday the 27th at 7pm central. Our server 4 vs. 4 low grav 155/55 esr's no power ups etc... Anything I am missing here?
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 17 2005,17:04

if one of of ne of us cant make it we will try to get twitty to play
Posted by: Guest on Feb. 17 2005,21:35

Yeah... You go see if he answers to that!  :p  Might kick my arse just for YOU calling him that... lol
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 18 2005,13:04

try for our server
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 18 2005,22:05

ohh he ansers to twitty lol caz twitty is my bi#@$ and he knows it lmao
Posted by: oberon on Feb. 20 2005,18:10

i'll try to make it, usually get out of church at 7 so most likely i'll be late if at all
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