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+---Topic: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOM!! started by ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Sep. 14 2005,15:22

happy b/d bro :-p hope you have a good one
Posted by: slatts on Sep. 14 2005,17:08

tom here... your late, my birthday was in January. :p

YA i know... j/k :laugh:

Posted by: twistytank on Sep. 15 2005,09:05

:) ty Jon
Posted by: Xofer on Sep. 15 2005,14:24

haha are you making fun of me slatts? :angry: ;)
Posted by: wilder on Sep. 16 2005,18:14

happy bday!!!  almost there !!!

and belated one to the other tom.  :D

Posted by: slatts on Sep. 20 2005,18:58

Quote (Xofer @ Sep. 15 2005,14:24)
haha are you making fun of me slatts? :angry: ;)

no of course not.
i just didn't know Twisty's real name was Tom.
so i kinda wanted to make it a joke, you'll notice i made no other posts that day.
just wanted to get a thread rolling..
see and i did.

Posted by: twistytank on Sep. 20 2005,19:36

lol yea, duh xof  :angry:  :p
Posted by: Xofer on Sep. 21 2005,12:45

haha my brain is overworked from school, I have no more juice left to power my logic :P
Posted by: wilder on Sep. 21 2005,16:18

school does that to a person!
Posted by: twistytank on Sep. 26 2005,16:03

thats why i did nothing in school :(  and also why i still havent signed up for college
Posted by: Xofer on Oct. 04 2005,13:04

you just post all day and search for the gayest avatars you can find :angry: :p
Posted by: twistytank on Oct. 04 2005,13:58

omg my avatar is so cool, you can color it!!!! cant color anyone elses, lol

Posted by: wilder on Oct. 04 2005,16:51

u havent apply for college yet ???

wtf!  get going.

Posted by: vicious_killer on Oct. 10 2005,20:29

im just a little late on the bday thing but dam man , Sorry HAPPY BDAY SEXY lol :)
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