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+---Topic: it's too quiet here started by Byte_mE

Posted by: Byte_mE on April 26 2005,17:50

it's too quiet here time to make some noise.


Posted by: slatts on April 26 2005,19:17

yes you are right i have been in here about 30 times a day for the week looking for something, i sorta backed off on the posts. i can only read my stuff so many times.  :glare:
Posted by: Byte_mE on April 26 2005,21:50

i agree
Posted by: twistytank on April 27 2005,13:42

sorry i havent been around lately either
Posted by: Queen-B on April 27 2005,14:03

Posted by: Byte_mE on April 27 2005,16:42

Quote (Queen-B @ April 27 2005,17:03)

hey queen-b, good to see ya..
Posted by: Guest on April 27 2005,20:42

I think the reason why its been so quiet around here is cuz the nice weather. ( well it was nice ) As soon as the temps reach 70+ here you wont find anyone on a puter...  :glare:
Posted by: ultrox on April 29 2005,12:23

Wasssuupp sinnerz :ghostface:

Will try to visit the ~SiN~ server more often!
Cya soon guys!

Posted by: ~ScA~Kawasa on April 29 2005,16:56

Hi guys!! hope your all doing fine. The weather here in Sweden is also getting great!! damn I love the summer  :laugh:
Posted by: Byte_mE on April 30 2005,06:55

I forgot that the weather is getting nice, it's been a great
winter here, soon though it will soon be time to hibernate
in the comfort of air conditioning while watching the weather
radar for the next hurricane.

Posted by: Guest on April 30 2005,10:13

Well Mr.... If you have time to relax you should have time to jump on some UT99 here & there man!  :p
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on April 30 2005,11:15

yahh iv been going back and forth from skate park here and there havent been on the forms much been bikeing haveing some fun :-d you know how it all is
Posted by: Guest on April 30 2005,12:41

No, we dont know how it is Jon... Please explain?  :oo:  lol
Posted by: Byte_mE on April 30 2005,19:01

Quote (BaNe @ April 30 2005,13:13)
Well Mr.... If you have time to relax you should have time to jump on some UT99 here & there man!  :p

i been splitting my time between ut99 and 2k4.
i been on the sniping servers SuF for ut99 and
uSa in 2k4, after the dog bite accident a couple
of years ago my dodging skillz have suffered so
sniping been my game.

gg all, remember get out there and ~SiN~

Posted by: Guest on May 11 2005,18:22

Dam bro, didnt know about that even. Sorry to hear that. But just to have fun is all that matters to me.  :D  But boy oh boy... Is it ever quiet in here....  :glare:
Posted by: slatts on May 11 2005,19:13

Quote (BaNe @ May 11 2005,18:22)
Dam bro, didnt know about that even. Sorry to hear that. But just to have fun is all that matters to me.  :D  But boy oh boy... Is it ever quiet in here....  :glare:

is that you going off again?
thought i heard

Posted by: Guest on May 11 2005,21:56

:rock:  :oo:  :oops:  :p ... lol
You fallowing me Slatts?  :glare:  he he

Posted by: slatts on May 12 2005,01:34

Posted by: Guest on May 12 2005,02:33

I have a stalker!  :ghostface:  I feel special now....  :D
Posted by: Guest on May 16 2005,10:14

Wow... I must be a topic killer, noones replied in days....  :down:
Posted by: slatts on May 16 2005,14:28

i have been pulling my hair out with
Posted by: Guest on May 16 2005,14:32

Relax bro, your son needs that hair to pull out for you!  ;)  Well, the hair you have left atleast.  :D
Posted by: guns on May 22 2005,07:13

I have been Playing World Of Warcraft lately..but i did log on ut and played some games with bane,demon and my ass kicked so i logged off ha.
Posted by: Guest on May 22 2005,11:03

Well maybe if you would give yourself the chance you would kick our asses back!  :p
Posted by: Byte_mE on May 23 2005,08:31

Work has had me busy 24\7 for the last two weeks with no
rest in site until Memorial really suxx not playing this

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