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+---Topic: pop ups started by raven

Posted by: raven on Jan. 18 2006,13:34

besides a good cleaning and reformat...

I've gone to add and remove programs, I've gone through any type of start up program, but Jen, my beloved....

has downloaded crap onto the laptop and gd pop up adds are bombarding it..

I think I need a registry cleaner or something.

can anyone help.


Posted by: Guest on Jan. 18 2006,16:40

Best anti spy ware tool in the world... Lock your computer or PW it, or just flat out dont let a woman use your tish...  :D  You use any firewall of any sort?  Try cleaning your temp files etc, that usually will get rid of them too. Hit me up and I will send you a nice little tool or so.
Posted by: slatts on Jan. 19 2006,01:43

Quote (raven @ Jan. 18 2006,14:34)
besides a good cleaning and reformat...

I've gone to add and remove programs, I've gone through any type of start up program, but Jen, my beloved....

has downloaded crap onto the laptop and gd pop up adds are bombarding it..

I think I need a registry cleaner or something.

can anyone help.


Oh mother of God... hope the hell it it isn't this shit...
< other post. >

i have tried every dam thing out there.... at least this will tell you what your dealing with.

even if you don't have the look2me thing. use this software.
download the ver. don't use the free scan

< software download >

here is a place were to get real help.. < forum link >

Posted by: raven on Jan. 19 2006,12:49

yup, that's the one she's got.

sigh, women.  

:angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:  :angry:

Posted by: slatts on Jan. 19 2006,14:52

Mother... i feel for you man.  :down:
man you can spend days and weeks cleaning.
if running XP go to the norton site i posted above and try that fix.
it wouldn't work for me as i was running Win 2000 pro.
but i claims it will clean XP.

try.. if it don't work... just format man. i'm telling you.
that was the only way i could get rid of that mutating bastage.

it grows every second you system is powered...
for the amount of time i spent trying to clean. i could have formatted and reloaded at least a dozzen times easy. :angry:

Posted by: Guest on Jan. 19 2006,19:10

Man, spyware sux azz!  :angry:
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