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+---Topic: For those who pray started by raven

Posted by: raven on Sep. 12 2005,02:19

I was chatting with Demon of all about 10 minutes and his brother had an accident on their trampoline.

He had to be air-lifted to hospital with neck injuries.

I hope things work out for the total best.


Posted by: wilder on Sep. 12 2005,18:19


I hope he's recovering okay.

Posted by: slatts on Sep. 12 2005,19:10

shity deal.
Posted by: Queen-B on Sep. 13 2005,20:41

OMG that sucks,I hope he will be alright.Any updates on his condition please post.
Posted by: Xofer on Sep. 14 2005,12:27

trampolines, very fun, yet very dangerous. I've had many friends get hurt on them, none like this though. best wishes! hope he recovers soon.
Posted by: twistytank on Sep. 15 2005,09:04

damn those 2 just have the worst luck, its sad to see, gl with recovery
Posted by: Byte_mE on Sep. 17 2005,08:17

Is there any good news or update on his condition?
Posted by: raven on Sep. 17 2005,18:52

Demon is on often enough, he has posted within the past few days since then, he will / should let us know
Posted by: Queen-B on Sep. 19 2005,04:39

I talked to Vic..He's doing ok. :)
Posted by: raven on Sep. 19 2005,08:33

I talked to Fear Sunday, he was suppose to tell vicious to post.....

He is doing fine, tore some muscles, gonna hurt for awhile, but ok none the less

good to know
glad to hear


Posted by: wilder on Sep. 21 2005,13:18

tell him to be careful!

could lose his life like that and I dont want to see that happening!

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