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+---Topic: Ehh, clanmatch? started by ultrox

Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 07 2005,07:07

First of all i would like to say hi to you guys and GGīs for all the nice maps we played together :cool:

I play for europes only active former GMC clan known as ~ScA~ Clan :ghostface:
We would like to have a 5 vs 5 against you guys in a old school GMC style :p
So like, are you interested and can you gather 5 playas?

We hungry for fun you see lol.

Best regards

Posted by: Guest on Mar. 07 2005,07:45

Im willing to frag wit you guys. Anyone else wanna do this?
Posted by: Queen-B on Mar. 07 2005,18:32

Hey,If you guys could set It up.(I know It's hard work) but have a best of 5.First game USA server,Second game Euro,third USA,fourth Euro and decide on tie breaker.

Or 5 here then 5 there,either way still fun but I like the first Idea better.

Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 07 2005,18:42

Both options sounds great for me :D
How about the rest of the sinners...
Btw, do you have a match coordinator?  :cool:

Posted by: Guest on Mar. 08 2005,03:19

Last I remember is twisty's our match coordinator... But sometimes the rest of us may pick up something here & there... But it may take a while for people to reply to this, I hope we do this tho... I love fraggin wit you guys.  :love:
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 08 2005,10:48

im up for a match and some fun
Posted by: slatts on Mar. 09 2005,02:02

i'll get in ...on a sunday....7 eastern
you pic the sunday... :D
please remember i suck

Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 09 2005,10:39


Well sunday sounds great for us :cool:

Ehh, our time is GMT + 0100, meaning 6hrs ahead of you guys..

So like 7 eastern means 0100am for us lol
It should work on a friday or saturday but sunday bro..

I belive 2200hrs GMT +0100 would be the latest for us you guys, that is if it has to be sunday
This time would be 4 eastern..
Can you make it slatts or should we pick another day?
What do you think guys?


Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 09 2005,16:15

4 on a sunday sounds okay for me.... no school on sundays lol :-D and probly not going bikeing so it should be all good for me dont know bout bane the i know he only really gets on at nights dont know if he works sundays
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 09 2005,18:00

Whenever it is, I will show. My hours are going through the twilight zone right now and I have some pull there so im 100% I can show.  :)
Posted by: twistytank on Mar. 10 2005,12:57

before 6pm is a lil sketchy for me ill be a gameweek decision
Posted by: twistytank on Mar. 10 2005,12:58

if we did it this sunday id be there a lil late, but id be there

but i dunno if we could set it up that quickly

Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 10 2005,17:12

Well you guys, as long as we find a time and date that is good for most of you all.
How about friday or saturdays then?

I mean, on a saturday i belive that most of us could play really late (or early lol)

I belive we could play like 7 eastern time on a friday or saturday if this is better for you guys or earlier?

Or do you wanna on a  sunday?

I think it would be hard to gather up 5 peeps until this sunday twisty, but if you guys can gather up a posse to this sunday..
And 4 eastern?, what about slatts then? Can you make it?
Cuz if you do and manage to gather 5 players, tell me, cuz then itīs a date lol

Posted by: slatts on Mar. 11 2005,16:52

4 pm est on sunday the 13 is kinda iffy...
but if you want to go on the 20th i can book it with the
she dosen't mind that i play, she only asks for some notice when i make a night out it.
she makes plans to do something else, instead of sitting infront of the TV pissed off that i am haveing fun and she isn't....:laugh:

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 11 2005,23:26

lol im should be set for it what ever time lol
Posted by: Byte_mE on Mar. 12 2005,08:01

I can make it with proper notice, like slatts, I've got to give my wife proper notice.
Posted by: raven on Mar. 13 2005,15:59

sounds good for the 20th for most of us and is plenty notified so what say you?
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 14 2005,15:31


Please :(
Canīt you consider the 18th or 19th, same time?
That is proper notice too, why i ask?
Iīm going to the upper north part of Sweden (noth pole lol) the 20th for a week to fish and hike  :cool:

What do you guys think about this?

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 14 2005,15:45

18th sounds fine to me...
Posted by: twistytank on Mar. 14 2005,15:49

18th and 19th are good for me im free anytime after 4 est
Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 14 2005,19:30

Im Down to spectate the match, the only computer i like playing on is fear's , the computer i have is gay ... gayer then gay can get, so i dont play on it much .. but ill def watch :P and root for every one :)
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 15 2005,04:53

So 18th is a nice date  :D

Is there anyone that canīt the 18th?

Otherwise.. Smoking :cool:

Posted by: raven on Mar. 15 2005,07:25

it's not a ? about a date really, it's a time thing.
6 hours difference?? I can do anytime up to about 9pm CSTor like 3 am your time.
So let's get a time that is good for you guys and we'll see who is available.

best time for me would be 6 - 8pm CST

What say the rest?


Posted by: Guest on Mar. 15 2005,08:38

Midnight to them if we did it at 6 pm central. We could just for giggles & kicks do it at 6am our time!  :p  no, seriously now... Would 6 pm ( midnight to you ) work?
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 15 2005,09:50

Cool :D
Friday the 18th 6pm CST (midnight for us then)

Itīs a done deal :p

Itīs a deal, itīs a steal, itīs...
< Listen >


Iīll tell the others over here, looking forward to this !
You can you gather 5 players?

Iīd like to play 3-5 maps on each server, you know, like in the old days when 2 clans from different parts of the world played.
So how about it guys, fellin to frag some ~ScA~?



Posted by: twistytank on Mar. 15 2005,16:29

im there
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 16 2005,06:15

So  :oops:
Bane, raven, demon,twisty and byte_mE?
Cool :blues:
Anyone else?

So weīll have 2 spectator seats ready in the match, one for you and one for us.

We will rotate our players and our maps of choice are:

Which maps will you guys use in your server?
I guess that the password is a secret for others, so i will send the one we will use in ScA server by pm to you guys.

So we do 3 maps here and three maps over there lol.
Where do you guys want to begin the match?
Over here or over there?
Oh, btw, our server ip is:


Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 16 2005,13:29

You guys donīt seem to have PM function in here, doh
So like pass in our server will be: sinvssca  :p

2 days and counting....

Posted by: raven on Mar. 16 2005,14:15

I would like :
master bathroom, master bedroom for sure

then how about sin livingroom

start with your server. any opposed, raise your hands.


Posted by: slatts on Mar. 16 2005,14:58

Quote (ultrox @ Mar. 16 2005,14:29)
You guys donīt seem to have PM function in here, doh
So like pass in our server will be: sinvssca  :p

2 days and counting....

top of page... left side.... look for your messanger.
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 16 2005,17:46

Quote (raven @ Mar. 16 2005,15:15)
I would like :
master bathroom, master bedroom for sure

then how about sin livingroom

start with your server. any opposed, raise your hands.


Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 16 2005,17:47

Quote (slatts @ Mar. 16 2005,15:58)
Quote (ultrox @ Mar. 16 2005,14:29)
You guys donīt seem to have PM function in here, doh
So like pass in our server will be: sinvssca  :p

2 days and counting....

top of page... left side.... look for your messanger.

:blush: Thank you  :cool:
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 18 2005,06:42

Quote (raven @ Mar. 16 2005,17:15)
I would like :
master bathroom, master bedroom for sure

then how about sin livingroom

start with your server. any opposed, raise your hands.


All those maps you two chose are perfect with me!  :alien:  But if we ( ~SiN~ ) get to rotate I for sure want in on Master Bathroom & Bed Room! " you guys know why! Double D'z! "  :D  6 PM central, tonight... You girls ready? I know I am.

Posted by: slatts on Mar. 18 2005,09:03

sorry i can't be there.... good luck.:D
Posted by: twistytank on Mar. 18 2005,17:38

btw ultroxx our server is only an 8 man we will have to cut it to 4v4 for rounds in our server
Posted by: slatts on Mar. 18 2005,18:23

you can go 5v5 take out the spectators..... we are loseing it any ways..... who cares. about the bandwith for an hour.
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 18 2005,20:42

I wanna thank you all for the nice fragging tonite :D
Awsome guys GGīs

See ya soon in here or there lol


Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 18 2005,21:03

yes it was fun fraging hope to do it again soon :-D
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 19 2005,12:49

Was very fun! Well.. for the three maps I showed up for ( sorry! :( ) But here are pics from the maps i did play, notice the progression.

<!/~ScA~%231_thumb1.jpg >

<!/~ScA~%232_thumb1.jpg >

<!/~ScA~%233_thumb1.jpg >

I hope we can do this again very soon, and this time not even a inky dinky Minnesota snow storm will hold me back ( only our bad drivers can! )  :glare:

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 19 2005,13:09


< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >

Posted by: raven on Mar. 19 2005,15:00

the links aren't working for me


Posted by: Guest on Mar. 19 2005,16:39

Mine or DeMoN's? They worx for me.  :oo:

Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 20 2005,09:13

GGīs everyone :D

If you guys wanna see the whole match results..

< ~ScA~ VS ~SiN~ >

Posted by: Guest on Mar. 20 2005,12:19

Quote (~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON @ Mar. 19 2005,16:09)

< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >
< My Webpage >

Ummm.. Why in your pic on the last map it shows me above Twisty, but in mine hes on top? We both got 20 i know but its kinda odd.
Posted by: Queen-B on Mar. 20 2005,16:38

G.G's all sorry I missed It. :oops:
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