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+---Topic: Hi ! started by {OCB}Jan

Posted by: {OCB}Jan on Feb. 10 2006,11:48

Hey Bane which song is it froom your movie intro???  I like it and.....

Please tell me..!!

Greetz   Jan

Posted by: Guest on Feb. 10 2006,12:39

Mr.Wilder did the movie intro bro. I think the song is " down with the sickness " ?  By Disturbed? I might be wrong, dunno.. Wilder?
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 10 2006,17:04

yes it is... and you will find it on our server... map titled Monster.DNB

does anyone know the words to this song... BTW?
you will laugh..  :oops:

Posted by: {OCB}Jan on Feb. 11 2006,10:50

where can i get it bro?
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 11 2006,15:39

Quote ({OCB}Jan @ Feb. 11 2006,11:50)
where can i get it bro?

you can find it here.

(removed) - (wilder... we dont post illegal things here.  ;-) )

has any one ever heard of a guy named Richard Cheese?
he is a lounge singer in Vegas... this is his version of the song
if you don't know the words to the song... listen to this...
< Richard Cheese MP3 >

Posted by: {OCB}Jan on Feb. 11 2006,17:40

Big thx slatts   yes richard cheese  i remember i have trcks from him very good stuff!!
Posted by: ~AngelBoo~ on Feb. 12 2006,09:21

Hiya Jan,,  :)
Posted by: raven on Feb. 13 2006,10:41

that is hilarious! lmao
Posted by: {OCB}Jan on Feb. 13 2006,13:56

Nice to see you all here at the sin -forum!  LOL

my english is not so good also  be carefull...!

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