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+---Topic: demon hurt started by ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 20 2005,10:51

hey guys i wont b able to play ut because i was saverly burnt on my right hand yesterday when my dad was cooking and he left a pan of grease on the stove and it cought fire and i was outside and saw it and i ran inside and took it off the stove and tryed to take it outside and it spilled on my hand and cought my pants on fire an i got it out then had to go to the hospital now im on percacets and in alot of pain typeing wit 1 hand lol iight well ill try to get on here to update you i have to go back to the hospital tomarow so they can cut more skin off lol
Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 20 2005,14:26

Ouch m8,
           You get well soon bro

Posted by: wilder on Aug. 20 2005,20:47

ouch.... dont know why these things happen to you.  :(
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 20 2005,21:32

lol wilder its caz i have no good luck at all it left me beacuse the bad luck kicked it out and took over lmfao
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 21 2005,07:37

[update] i went to the hospital again today and they cut more skin off and it hurts alot more now and i have to go to a burn sergon to get skin grafting or i wont be abile to close my hand at all or use it properly again
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 22 2005,07:16

ouch thats rough alright. i hope that you heal up fast and without complications
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 22 2005,10:12

man that sucks, hope the skin grafting goes smoothly!

and who leaves a pan full of grease on a hot stove? not too smart

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 22 2005,10:57

This is what it looks like, lmfao * and i still pwn with it like this but rapped up lol

Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Aug. 22 2005,12:52

God m8 hope ur hand heals soon we miss seeing u on our server
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 23 2005,09:40

you now whats crazy, jon had flaming grease on his hand, thats fuckin hardcore man! im surprised you can play, you ownd me with your bummed hand yesterday, am i losing my touch? :( lol.  hope it all heals up well man.
Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 23 2005,13:28

damn bro, we knew you were a flamer already, didnt have to prove it  :p , but in all seriousness i hope all goes well
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 23 2005,14:38

thanks guys, i went to the other place today and they said that i dont need a skin graph but i didnt get there early enugh like a day after it happend for them to do something els that would heal it faster so now i got to just keep good care of it till it fully heals i got to go back wednesday i guess for a check up but it hurts like hell caz the lady scrubed it wit a sponge and it blead like crazy  but all is well now and i just got to keep switchin the bandages

peace for now

Posted by: raven on Aug. 23 2005,17:28

I always loved Freddy Krueger, now there is one in the clan :)

noble of you to save the house and all, I would have opted for a close sink though.

Take care and as everyone else has stated, best of luck with that


Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 23 2005,18:40

hasnt affected your game much i see, nice 60-7 work we did on alien today jon:p
Posted by: Queen-B on Aug. 23 2005,21:51

Damn,hope It gets well soon and everything goes well.
Posted by: -=)V(artin=- on Aug. 23 2005,22:46

i got a burn like that once when i microwaved a pizza pocket for 20 mins instead of 2 by accident. bit into that sucker and found myself in a world of hurt
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 24 2005,10:58

holy shit 20 mins in a microwave? how could you even touch it!
Posted by: -=)V(artin=- on Aug. 24 2005,15:58

lolol, i was kidding. after 20mins it wouldprobly be a crusty mess :p
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 24 2005,21:19

haha, now i'm tempted to try it:D
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 25 2005,10:20

lol did u still eat it lmfao ohh and raven puting a grease fier out wit water only makes it worse lol
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 25 2005,21:45

i think raven ment throw it in the sink instead of trying to get it outside.

on a different note, i didnt know that water would make it worse? thats rediculous!, looks like if it were me i'd be living in a giant pile of ashes :(

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 25 2005,22:45

lmfao @ you lol
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 25 2005,22:50

never put a grease fire out with water... or try to move the pan.
just throw a rag or something over it to smother it.

Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 25 2005,23:12

what would happen if you did put water on it? would it just kinda splash everywhere, creating your own miniture napalm hell?
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 26 2005,17:43

yes, xofer exactly
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 26 2005,18:34

wow, that wouldn't be too much fun to be standing in.
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 26 2005,21:47

nope it wouldn't, best thing to do is to put a lid on it and stay back til it chokes itself out
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 28 2005,12:27

( vicious ) - lol yeah unfortionetly, <<< cant spell it, fears hand became the lid, and now hes healing pretty decent- well put more pics on for ya to see peace
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 28 2005,12:41

glad to hear you're healing up and feeling better
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