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+---Topic: Challenge @lien clan anyone? started by BaNe

Posted by: Guest on June 12 2005,20:57

Guys, im itching for a match with these guys. there a good bunch of people and I feel we may have alot of fun. It will be zp so if anyones interested let me know & I will set it up. I think 2 or more weeks in advanced would be good too. Well? :rock:

Posted by: oberon on June 12 2005,21:01

sure i can make it so far
Posted by: vicious_killer on June 13 2005,00:00

i will try and make it if my eye isnt still messed up then , sorry if i cant though, :(
Posted by: Guest on June 13 2005,02:50

You get better 1st bro, then come back when things are better with your eye! Dont need you straining it now after what happend.
Posted by: Guest on June 13 2005,21:43

I'll try to make it, I may not though, need to find out the time before I know if I can show up. :ghostface:

Posted by: Guest on June 13 2005,22:03

This one here im just trying to see how many people would be interested in it. No time set up as of yet, or even a day actually. They are about 6 hours ahead of me in time ( UK ) so it mihgt be a godd idea to set it up around 12:00 am central, or something. We will get it all figured out, just reply to me fellas!  :D
Posted by: slatts on June 14 2005,18:05

ZP... my ini isn't configured for that...pain in the ass flipping through weapons looking for esr..:D
Posted by: oberon on June 14 2005,18:38

i only pick up esr on those servers
Posted by: Guest on June 14 2005,18:40

Somethings wrong here.... Cant see my avatar or sig?  :oo:
Posted by: oberon on June 14 2005,19:12

i can see it no problem
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on June 21 2005,07:58

lol bane ur just blind dont say u cant c it u lil homo haha :-p
Posted by: Guest on June 21 2005,21:56

Quote (~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON @ June 21 2005,09:58)
lol bane ur just blind dont say u cant c it u lil homo haha :-p

7 days later he replies to this post but yet does not state if he wants me to challenge these guys for a match....  :glare:
Posted by: oberon on June 21 2005,21:58

Posted by: slatts on June 22 2005,01:44

Quote (oberon @ June 14 2005,18:38)
i only pick up esr on those servers

well even if i throw the enforcer just after i spawn...witch i always do... i still have trans and that retarded air cannon.

my esr is only one flip away... but the zp is not configured.
i need the exact name of the weapon...

Posted by: X0f3R on June 22 2005,12:15

im in! i know we will own these guys but like bane said it will be fun :D
Posted by: X0f3R on June 22 2005,12:18

I don't throw anything. I have trans set to middle mouse and all I ever have to do is scroll down once and I have the esr, or if I have the redeemer I have to scroll twice. thats the way i've been playing for years.
Posted by: X0f3R on June 22 2005,12:21

or there is another trick I've found! after shooting the trans, you need to right click to use it, intead of just clicking you can hold down right mouse and press the left mouse and you will switch from the trans back to the previous gun you had before using the trans. It works well for taking quick pot shots at people between transing in the air.
Posted by: Guest on June 22 2005,12:35

I have my bestweapon ( esr/ deemer ) key binded, so when I toss my tele I can still kill before I trans away.  :D  Havent you noticed when you lose me before you even notice where I am I am shooting at you?  :p
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on June 22 2005,13:54

lol bane i watch ur trans good habbit some times unless the person who knows i watch it sends it to destract me (fife dose it) but i folow the trans and watch for where you go or who ever likes to trans around for example elite dad lol :-p i chase him caz hes target practice to me caz he stays transin ;) but yahh xofer i have my ut set up the way u do for the scrol thing ;) but i put the wave thing on the middle button so i can make people laugh and then kill um haha :-p
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on June 22 2005,13:55

and yes bane if this computer is still up and on line for when we will have the match with @ people i will join becaz iv been kicking peoples asses on here i beat yase13 the other day in dm gerage ;)
Posted by: Guest on June 22 2005,14:45

Quote (~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON @ June 22 2005,15:54)
lol bane i watch ur trans good habbit some times unless the person who knows i watch it sends it to destract me (fife dose it) but i folow the trans and watch for where you go or who ever likes to trans around for example elite dad lol :-p i chase him caz hes target practice to me caz he stays transin ;) but yahh xofer i have my ut set up the way u do for the scrol thing ;) but i put the wave thing on the middle button so i can make people laugh and then kill um haha :-p

You never fallow my trans or know where I go. Stop pretending!  :glare:  You just get lucky sometimes when I pop up in your way of shooting at the bots!  :p
Posted by: oberon on June 22 2005,18:00

mymouse is binded similar to what xofer has but it seems to be acting up, i'll get random weapons on any server i use whenever trying to get the esr.
Posted by: slatts on June 22 2005,18:11

Quote (oberon @ June 22 2005,18:00)
mymouse is binded similar to what xofer has but it seems to be acting up, i'll get random weapons on any server i use whenever trying to get the esr.

what was this thread about anyways?

ohh ya orb you need a new mouse.

Posted by: oberon on June 22 2005,18:12

lol, i was figuring that and a keyboard. when one goes out completely then i'll renew both
Posted by: Guest on June 22 2005,18:37

Quote (slatts @ June 22 2005,20:11)
Quote (oberon @ June 22 2005,18:00)
mymouse is binded similar to what xofer has but it seems to be acting up, i'll get random weapons on any server i use whenever trying to get the esr.

what was this thread about anyways?

ohh ya orb you need a new mouse.

This topic was originally about if I should challenge (_@_) clan to a match
Posted by: oberon on June 22 2005,18:38

i know
Posted by: wilder on June 22 2005,18:44

Quote (BaNe @ June 22 2005,18:37)
Quote (slatts @ June 22 2005,20:11)
Quote (oberon @ June 22 2005,18:00)
mymouse is binded similar to what xofer has but it seems to be acting up, i'll get random weapons on any server i use whenever trying to get the esr.

what was this thread about anyways?

ohh ya orb you need a new mouse.

This topic was originally about if I should challenge (_@_) clan to a match

it happens!  

dont you know our forums by now?  hehehehe  one topic can turn up to be 4 or 5 topics after 10 replies.

Posted by: Guest on June 22 2005,18:47

Quote (wilder @ June 22 2005,20:44)
Quote (BaNe @ June 22 2005,18:37)
Quote (slatts @ June 22 2005,20:11)
Quote (oberon @ June 22 2005,18:00)
mymouse is binded similar to what xofer has but it seems to be acting up, i'll get random weapons on any server i use whenever trying to get the esr.

what was this thread about anyways?

ohh ya orb you need a new mouse.

This topic was originally about if I should challenge (_@_) clan to a match

it happens!  

dont you know our forums by now?  hehehehe  one topic can turn up to be 4 or 5 topics after 10 replies.

Hows the work around the house coming Wilder? Need any help hit me & Fear_the_DeMoN up bro!  ;)  Maybe start a clan bake @ Wilders!  :p  lol
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on June 23 2005,11:12

lol bane to bad i dont hunt bots when ur around i like to hunt you hehe :-p speaking of the (_@_) clan i was teaching one of the members how to dodge yesterday lololol hes prity cool he is 16 :-p me and him where just messin around :-p (and bane it may not look like i follow ur trans but i watch where it goes so thtas why i know where you go lol and my lil trans trick seams to loose alot of people :-p and when i get the trans to shoot you down perfect i will own u ever time lil boy :-p hehe
Posted by: Guest on June 23 2005,12:39

Ok, who wants me to make this challenge? Seems Demons up to it, Oberon too. Anyone else? These guys would most likely want to do this every other week or so because they're so active in TDM matches anyways. Then maybe ~ScA~ again or elite? Still have to do one with {NyB} because last time didnt work.  :glare:  Well?
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on June 25 2005,11:09

well as u saw yesterday bane i was whoping ur ass i got my computer up and working and up stairs im not puting it back in my room its gona stay in the upstairs room but yahh its runing okay but i stilll need to get a new hardrive for it caz im runing off a 10 gig hard drive right now lol :-p
Posted by: Guest on June 25 2005,13:14

Quote (~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON @ June 25 2005,13:09)
well as u saw yesterday bane i was whoping ur ass i got my computer up and working and up stairs im not puting it back in my room its gona stay in the upstairs room but yahh its runing okay but i stilll need to get a new hardrive for it caz im runing off a 10 gig hard drive right now lol :-p

Is wooping my ass considered when I am typing & your killing me? I left because of that you know. And no.. You didnt woop my ass so stop imagining things. Me & (_@_)simp was talking while you constantly killed us. I think your missing a link to your chain Jon.  :glare:
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on June 25 2005,20:48

ur thinkin of a diff match then bane
Posted by: Xofer on June 26 2005,18:12

haha, this is getting to ba a posting argument between bane and jon :P

challenge tha alien clan!! i want a match against these guys. but if you ca ndo it for next sunday night or later that week that would be best, im at my dads this week and his computer can't compare to mine. and im slowly getting bac kto my old self on my new machine:) watch out guys:cool:

one last thing; I've noticed bane like to use the quoting tool alot on this thread :P

Posted by: (_@_)_simp on July 09 2005,04:18

Nah guys
           you dont wanna fight us. Dont you have enough fun beatin us every day on our server that now you want an official match. When's the carnage gonna end. Would both servers be using zp or just ours because there seems to be abit of an issue regarding should we or shoudn't we from other clans. As long as you guys enjoy comin to play at alien I think we should keep it on. Bane m8, if you wanna challenge the guys at alien post it on the forums bro, Im sure they would be up for it, Neron likes fragging your asses loool.

Posted by: D@RKSPECTOR on July 12 2005,12:44

Hey guy's is there any chance of getting this scrim off the ground it would be good to have a match against ur clan plz think about it and let me know.Most of u know how we play and what the server's like so let's do it. :alien:
Posted by: oberon on July 12 2005,17:52

well anyone up for it??
Posted by: Xofer on July 12 2005,22:27

I think i already posted this 3 times in here but, LETS DO IT!!!
Posted by: oberon on July 12 2005,23:55

i did too xofer, but i dont know where bane is so we have 2 i know of for sure any other takers?
Posted by: D@RKSPECTOR on July 13 2005,00:55

23rd or 30th of july ok for u guy's we will need to sort a time out for it as to the time difference.Thank's for the quick responce i will put it in our forum's as a possible.Please visit our forum's
Posted by: D@RKSPECTOR on Aug. 01 2005,00:51

Hi guy's have u decided weather or not u want a scrim against us.We are itching to play u guy's to see how we stand up against 1 of the best caln's around.Plz get back to me.
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 01 2005,06:11

well spector, i guess if we do this we're only gonna have 2 ppl there. if we set a time maybe more will join in, i promise nothing. i would think that weekends would work best for everyone. and at a time that is late for one of us and early for the other. what are your ideas
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 01 2005,11:31

i could probly get in when ever but yahh a time would be beeded :-p and if i can get in i belive i can get vicious in to :-p we have two comps up and working well for ut side by side :-p
Posted by: D@RKSPECTOR on Aug. 01 2005,13:27

Can we say september the 10th so that give's us both time to sort thing's out.
6 v 6  3 map's ur server 3 map's our's. 100 frag limit.
Time 3pm est .8pm uk.this is not set in stone so we can arrange a new time.

Posted by: raven on Aug. 01 2005,20:35

sounds doable to me spector, also sounds like we have 4 right now who are interested, well demon we'll have to see if anyone else can make it then.
Posted by: raven on Aug. 01 2005,20:36

oops that last one and this one is me obbie using ravens comp, speaking of i may be able to get him to play at that time too, we'll see
Posted by: D@RKSPECTOR on Aug. 02 2005,13:26

thnx for thr responce guy's look forward to this match
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 03 2005,20:41

ill try to get ahold of twisty and our new meber martin to see if they can get into it
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 03 2005,20:46

im in.
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 04 2005,17:26

sorry guys my life is up side down right now...
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 04 2005,17:48

at least you responded slatts we understand how life gets.
Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 12 2005,00:46

Weres ~Tense~, Not seen him for a while . Is he still playing .I enjoyed my games with him very much and enjoyed chatting with the guy too. Doesn't he want to play in a rumble with us guys. All of you are always welcome on the server anytime my friends.
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 12 2005,06:18

who's ~Tense~?
Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 12 2005,06:27

Sin~Tense~ m8, He came on our server for afew weeks with Bane and Demon unless he was using an allias. Bane and demon introduced me to him and said he was latest new clan member?.
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 12 2005,12:12

yeah, Tense is one of my personal friends, i introduced him to UT. hes goin through a rough time with his girl lately, he usually plays under tense or sometimes CASA.
Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 17 2005,12:22

So guys, Can you get a handfull of players for a rumble or not . Doesn't have to be 6 v 6 , See how many guys are interested and then let D@RK SPECTOR know if we can do this soon or not.Always a pleasure to have you guys around on the server and a friendly rumble would be cool.
speak to ya soon my friends

Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Aug. 17 2005,13:16

I have got it down on the calender for the 10th sept unless there is any change.Same as simp said we can accommidate as many player's as u want to.
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 17 2005,21:44

if i catch anyone on i'll let them know, but they should be checking in here.
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 18 2005,10:19

evryone else are slackers :P

10th of sept. sounds good to me.

Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 18 2005,12:10

Vicious and demon seem to be hitting the server alot m8. Also the new guy )v(artin seems to be there alot too my friend, You could try and catch them .
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 18 2005,18:56

biggest problem catching them is that i play NWN more than UT these days.
Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 23 2005,13:42

ill try to be there if this is gonna happen, but not guarantees with work
Posted by: -=)V(artin=- on Aug. 23 2005,22:28

far as i know i can make it, 3pm is a bit of an odd time but ill do my best to make it, see ya soon
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 27 2005,14:02

hey simp, with our pings large maps are not going to work, by the time we some ya comin you already got us
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 27 2005,15:31

umm 3pm humm its an iff caz i start school back up the 7th think you can push it to 4pm can then i should be back from school
Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 03 2005,05:19

Hi guy's just checking that we are still on for the sat'day the 10th sept 3pm ur time 8pm UK time 9pm Dutch time 11pm Isreal time (neron is from isreal) ill sort our map's and player's out in this coming week.
Posted by: oberon on Sep. 03 2005,08:50

yeah we're on
Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 04 2005,12:10

ill sort the maps and player's out now guy's and thnx for the quick reply.
Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 04 2005,12:42

[quote="(_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR"]Dutch Time: 21.00 pm
United Kingdom: 20.00 pm
USA Est time:   3pm
Alienclan Vs ~SIN~

playertotal: 6 vs 6
maptotal: 10 maps
Server: Alienclan Instagib Server [zp]
Server: ~SIN~Dead clan walking
Gametype: Low gravity ESR 155/55 TDM
Fragtotal: 100 frags wins the match! (teamtotal)
Spectators: Maybe
skins: Default skins only! (female-male soldier)
other: -

5 Maps Alienclan picked:


5 Maps ~SIN~CLAN picked


[team red] Alien clan


[team blue] ~SIN~clan


We start playing on the alienclan instagib server and after we played our
chosen 3 maps, we go to the ~SIN~ server to play their 3 maps!
Also make sure you have played the 6 maps above, so that you don't
have to download anything when we do the rumble!
Thnx Goodluck & Have Fun all![/quote]

just fill in the info guy's and ill sort the rest out our end.

Posted by: slatts on Sep. 05 2005,12:08

you guys will need to let me know what mods you want in or turned off.
unless Byte or wilder are playing... they have access to the admin, to configure
Warning.. Don't turn on the more gore mod... server will crash, i haven't gotten around to fixing the ini for that mod yet. :D

Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 06 2005,00:46

Start with esr  no redeemer's  and ZP
Posted by: slatts on Sep. 06 2005,11:31

don't have ZP installed
but the rest i can do

Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 08 2005,00:53

[quote="(_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR"]Dutch Time: 21.00 pm
United Kingdom: 20.00 pm
USA Est time:   3pm
Alienclan Vs ~SIN~
10th sept 2005

playertotal: 6 vs 6
maptotal: 10 maps
Server: Alienclan Instagib Server [zp]
Server: ~SIN~Dead clan walking
Gametype: Low gravity ESR 155/55 TDM
Fragtotal: 100 frags wins the match! (teamtotal)
Spectators: Maybe
skins: Default skins only! (female-male soldier)
other: -

3 Maps Alienclan picked:


3 Maps ~SIN~CLAN picked


[team red] Alien clan


[team blue] ~SIN~clan


We start playing on the alienclan instagib server and after we played our
chosen 3 maps, we go to the ~SIN~ server to play their 3 maps!
Also make sure you have played the 6 maps above, so that you don't
have to download anything when we do the rumble!
Thnx Goodluck & Have Fun all![/quote]

Guy's here is all our info can u sort ur player's and maps out plz

Posted by: oberon on Sep. 08 2005,07:02

Martin, Oberon, Xofer are all in with Twisty and Demon as maybe's

maps, how about master bedroom, Bloodbath, dunno if kitchen would be too big or not

anyone playing or have any ideas?

Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 08 2005,12:37

guy's we have got to knock it down to 3 map's per server sorry if this plays hell with ur plans
Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 10 2005,01:21

guy's can i have ur maps and player's plz so we know what we have to d.load from ur server.
I will pm the password BANE if thats ok

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Sep. 10 2005,12:16

hey icarus has cancled  the match do to problems with the server so there willl be no match today was just told by him so i gues it is post poned for now
Posted by: (_@_)_D@RK_SPECTOR on Sep. 10 2005,13:22

ill sort another date out guy's sorry about this
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