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+---Topic: LMFAO! started by BaNe

Posted by: Guest on Jan. 03 2007,04:14

Of ME when I was a major noob ( and a pain in the azz! )

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Posted by: raven on Jan. 03 2007,10:13

me not so much... my best visions of you noob days was your skin mods. hehe, not even your blackest black would prevent me from fraggin your azz!!! :angry:

Posted by: Queen-B on Jan. 03 2007,10:48


Not sure If you were a total NOOB then,It was In 2003 sometime.   :laugh:
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 04 2007,08:26

Blah!... That pic was soooo edited!  :D
Posted by: wilder on Jan. 14 2007,11:20

woah, that video even taught me a thing or two!  hehehehe
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