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+---Topic: ~SiN~ And *XxElitexX* started by ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 27 2005,21:37

Yo a cuple of us sinnerz where asked to play with elite tonight because not enugh 2399rs could show so we went in to have some fun we had alot of fun we won a cuple games knowing they won more but it was alot of fun tomaro i will try to get a cuple pics up on here for ya guys to c  :-D []D3@c3 for now  :angry:
Posted by: Guest on Feb. 27 2005,22:02

Fun isnt even the word... Me, Fear, FurY, and two {2339} members ( Cod & Ultra ) and it was very close every map! I want to try to get a match set up with them in less then a month guys... Calling all SiNNeRz! We're gonna need you!
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 28 2005,13:11

here are the pics if i can get them to work :-D

hopfuly this works :-D

Posted by: Guest on Feb. 28 2005,19:17

Those pics are too big Demon... But that last ones size is perfect!  :D   Could it be cuz its from me?
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 28 2005,20:54

hey guys i was taling to tigerstrom and t manz they would like to do what we did on a weekley  type thing to go and have fun just for the hell of it like sin on elite just for the practice to have fun we was thinking like every sunday something like that wanted to know what you all think about it if you are all up for it :-d hope you all are caz it sounds like fun to me we all had a great time there crew said it was awsome :-d iight []D3@c3 for now
Posted by: Queen-B on Feb. 28 2005,21:03

Wow looked like fun,nice to see you guys won In MY(Revision of Dremoans Masterbath) map. :p
Nice to see young Becky(CoDFluffy)(the name Is a combo of her fish and cats name) playing again these days.That lil girl Is good.I think shes like 14 now,she started playing UT 99 In 2000 lmfao really young.

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 28 2005,23:10

hey i started playing when i was young im only 17 now lol :-d and i talk to fluffy all da time shes alwasy playing and tryin to kill me and i think shes 15 almost 16 now ;) but she is really good she got aim like crazy ask bane lol she always killin him and whe we just #### aroudn she wins some times ;) she loves to kill them bots tho lol
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 01 2005,01:58

I will tell you this, do not forget about her in open games... Cuz once you get on a killing spree [ZAP!] your killing spree has just been ended... lol  :glare:
Posted by: twistytank on Mar. 01 2005,19:54

but when does bane every get a killing spree?
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 01 2005,19:59

Go to members and look under BaNe!... You will see something, or maybe just ask Demon.  :D
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 01 2005,20:02

yahh bane gets on killing sprees but if im there i gots to end um :-D unless hes on the same team lol
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 11 2005,07:31

I just spoke with T manz, he said it would be fun for us to do this every Sunday and that he will set the server to team DM also. So if anyone is interested I guess just show up.  :)
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