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+---Topic: Pretty Much Fed Up started by vicious_killer

Posted by: vicious_killer on Aug. 25 2005,18:00

Right - i look at it from 2 sides , since me and fear are brothers, - We have it already made up, it's not worth it , The Drama People That we Think Are Friends, Backstab Talk Trash, Call Us Aim Botters, Fear Is Hurt, Still Owns , With his hand hurt, so that makes him an aim botter right, Gay , IM saying retarted, in my eyes, WE  " ALIAS " Half the time, cause were tired of the people talking crap, But We both learned that does nothing more, then make people talk more crap, even friends, ( sinners )  And Every one else that has,

Im Not taking screen shots,  im not recording  the bull crap that goes on, im not even gonna deal with it no more, ( lots of people have quit ut, because of it, wouldnt be surprised if it pushes me and fear off, cause even our own friends, talk crap, * Some may only be playing around * its the point and fact of the matter, we hear it from every one else, * WHAT MAKES YOU THINK* We wanna hear it from the ones we trust and have grown to love in a way of friendship, so me and fear pretty much done With ut For how long dont know, dont matter really does it, * we dont want you to go , is what were gonna hear, But do people reeally mean it , Never Know, I grown to love all of sin, so has demon, But the talking crap * is over rated, and Way To much for us both to handle, * i'v heard vicious is an aim botter, 10000000 times from EVERY SINGLE SOUL THAT PROBABLY PLAYS UT, but twisty always said dont let it get to you , i dont, thats not what matters to me any more, its the degrading, of a player, THIS IS A DAMN GAME MAN, NOT YOUR LIFE, Get OVer it if you lose a match , theres always gonna be some one better then another person,

DEMON is verry good player, Allot of people cant accept it,
but , those who should accept it, dont either, get mad , frustrated, or say stupid things, ( and they all wonder why, Oh Why , do fear and vicious, Alias, Hmm You Could wonder now right, * done is all i have to really say, Have fun , Play All you want, if im on im on , if not , Peoples Loss, Its the people that drove me to this, so blame it on them , not any one in particular, just PEOPLE IN GENERAL, The ones who are over rated obsessed and stupid attitudes

Final words i'll and fear will never leave sin Thats proven fact, But ( have a wonderfull day ) - and enjoy, *( dont have to comment to this post, you can just read it, think , and ask your self, wow maybe i was talking too much , or maybe i was a little harsh, ( before i go all i have to say is , )



             ~SiN~ViCiOuS! ( 4 LIFE )

Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 25 2005,21:37

what just happened here 8|

I know what you mean man, almost everyone if not everyone in sin has been accused of aimbotting many many times, but thats why we are all so care free and love to just play the game and have a laugh. personally i always laugh at the people who call me botters, because no matter what you look like to them you know yourself that you are a good player and that you dont bot so it doesnt matter

Posted by: vicious_killer on Aug. 25 2005,21:44

but you have to look at it from us to , even ppl in sin accusing us of bieng botters, and this and that, and talking crap, im just pretty much sick of it if you ask me, people we love and care for turn , every one has two faces, - to me its whatever, - to them they probably dont care, just a person on the internet, but i have a family here in sin , but i dont want some of the family here in sin getting corrupted with the line of talking sh%T if you know what i meen , which half do, some only play around, thats cool, but theres a limit and im sure half of you know , me and fear cant take that sh%T no mroe, its gettin old,

and if its just going to continue, im gonna find another game if not no game at all,  peace

again thx for your time

Posted by: slatts on Aug. 25 2005,23:18

Hmm.. all i can say dude is we all have been acused at one time or another.
after a while you get over it and don't let it get to you.
when you see it, you just say to your self Chuck you Farly. and play on.
us old timers don't worry about it we just get up and grab another beer. :D

the truth is a couple of years ago i was out of work for a year, had no kids, wife worked.
i played 10 12 some times 16 hours a day.
and got good at the game. some times i would just go into servers and school noobs, help them grow for the luv of the game. ;)

but i don't play like that anymore. and probably won't ever again. so now my game truely sucks. i get my ass handed to me by peps i could have smoked in the past.
take Bane 4 example, the guy eats me alive now. but at one time he couldn't.
he learned from peps and got good.
just as you have, anyone who calls you a botter... just look at were it is comming from.
almost every good server out there is running anti cheats that are being updated often.
because old school 'rs like my self hate peps who think they can get away with it. a botter will be getting kill then in the last min or two pull 25  or what ever frags out of his ass. mostly when you spawn.

yes a have gone off the deep end many a time with peps... and you can tell there are botters out there. but if you are a booter out there the only one you are screwing is your self. these peps who use bots will never really know what it is like to play and have fun. nor will they ever grow. i have said many a many a time in my rants.. it is only a game.
and peps who treat it like life will never have a life.
so i say don't sweet it man. i have been there and done that.
it is really no big deal. if they call you a botter and your not.. take it as a complement.

with the things people do and use now adays... shit i remember when i was playing on a 15 inch monitor... bought a 19 inch and my game inproved 100%
then i discovered, key bindings (macros), the candy dot. and a bunch of other tricks.
and i was smoken. but i just plain suck...
most peps play on a 52 inch plasma screen or something. it isn't hard to hit a guy when he is 2 feet tall.

if you ever run into a guy called Run&Gun ask to see a pic of his rig.
the guy has a room dedicated to UT bigger that my whole house.
the guy plays from easy boy chair.. in a movie theater. like i said its not hard to hit a guy when he is 2 feet tall. :)

what i am trying to say here is: every one has there own thing. if it works why change it.
don't take it to heart. even if it is from another clans person. maybe they just wish they were as good as you. i don't know.
when you been around as long as i have.... you just smile and wave.. :laugh:

and as for the tag comment i put in the other day...LMAO
thats just me... pisses me off most days cause i hear peps i know were playing and i didn't see them in a server so i din't join in... how the hell are you to know?
and i wasn't just talking about peps in this clan but every clan.

Oh well sucks to be me.....  :blush:

Posted by: -=)V(artin=- on Aug. 26 2005,01:31

well if you're getting this angry about a game, maybe it is time you gave it a rest. As for the aliasing, people in clans are thought to be better for the most part, a clan tag means you're part of a group and this group has alot of friends and has earned repect, if you arent wearing your tag, people wont give you the respect that youve earned because they dont know who u are. what is thereto lose by using ur realname? you wont get ppl hatin on u for aliasing. as for aim botting, its a compliment, take it with a smile

noone in this clan is hating on each other, we joke alot, but no real anger is involved. Dont take things so personally man, you're among friends

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Aug. 26 2005,09:16

( this is vicious ) i didnt feel llike changing fears name off the forums, just wanted to say thanks for the bringer uper, just it stresses me out some times, when i just wanna have fun feel me , but i talked to some one last night, who preetty much is my greatest friend of all in ut, and he kinda set me straight, im just gonna do what i normally do , have fun pwn and do what i do best, lauph and cry at the same time, cause ppl are sooo halarious, love you martin like a fat kid loves cake, you to slatts, thanks for the picker uper also, and im gonna have to try that on a plasma tv ROFLMAO we got a movie projector here, that hooks up to the pc, maybe ill play on the theater wall ROFLMAO ( thanks again for the picker uper, im have fear read this also , Love you all * hugs and KISSES SEXYS )
Posted by: wilder on Aug. 26 2005,11:43

yea dont let it get to you.

thats why i am quiet most of the time when i play and they can say anything they want.

I took down entire clans before on my own and i always see one of them jump off to look at server logs.  hehehehe

The good players all get accuse... thats how you know you're one of the best players here in UT.  u can be on top without ever ever getting accused.

Now as for your own clans man accusing you... i dont know who would.  There's like 5 of us actively playing.  and call twisty a human aimbot all the time.  :D

and vice versa...  if it gets to you... take a break.  SiN dont survive this long without strong bonds between members and their loyalty to our ways, esp our, "dont give a shit and just bring it attitude".

Next time you get accuse, just say, "yea, I'm a human aimbot, vicbot 3.0."

Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 26 2005,12:44

Nice words guys
                    I have played most of you guys some time or another and when you guys play that good you do attract attention of the guys that can't do what you can, Jealosy is a hard cross to bare my friends . As already been said , Being accused of being a cheat is a compliment in the highest form but it still hurts deep down when you just want to have fun and win afew games by doin what you do best. Even I got accused of having a Hook bot or something one night by a noob , My only claim to fame but surely you guys should be used to it by now. Keep doin what you do best guys and have fun together.:)

Posted by: (_@_)_simp on Aug. 26 2005,12:44

By the way
              We still on for the 10th september guys?

Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 26 2005,13:35

if i was rich i'de have a room dedicated to every game :)

you know your loved joe and jon :)

roger that simp!, its gonna be fun.

Posted by: vicious_killer on Aug. 26 2005,17:15

Damn Guys , Gonna make me shead a tear here. Love you guys, Wilder damn man , i think i fell in love " Just Call Yourself Vicbot 3.0 " Im Gonna do that From Now On :) lol ROFLMAO !! slatts every one i love you all MWAHZZZ
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 26 2005,17:51

hey vic, this get to you the other night when you jumped in a map with me and Flea was on a rant?
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 26 2005,18:31

haha flea, that guy is not good at all
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 26 2005,21:46

yeah i finally had enough of him and when someone commented about him camping i gave my unloving opinion of him. he didn't stop cussing me out the whole map.
Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 26 2005,22:03

that dude is always camping, he never bothers me because hes easy to kill and has shitty aim, i just ignore him.
Posted by: oberon on Aug. 26 2005,22:05

hard to ignore him when he's camping the spawn points aka, SK. like i said just had enough of him that night.
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 26 2005,22:19

shit man the biggest bitch 5 years ago was maps only had 1 ESR and some Bastage would always camp the ESR... but we evolved and fixed that shit.
now we build maps with multi ESR's.....LOL :p

Posted by: oberon on Aug. 26 2005,22:36

and they are good enough to camp them all
Posted by: vicious_killer on Aug. 26 2005,22:52

aint that the truth , i feel that , ( VicIOUS ) Has Offically called this for the next week or so , i am taking a break , need it, my girl getin pissed at me for playing so much, i cant have myown time with out gettin bitc%ed at. so im just gonna take a break , i work 2 jobs pretty much, dont get time for my self, so im  just gonna take a break , see you all in a week or so maybe a little bit longer, im gonna need some one to spar with so keep ya msn's ready or x fire after  a week or to love always, ( ill stay posting here probably though , ) so if you wanna chat leave me a post here, or just tell demon to tell me whatever ya wanna say ( peace out peoples ) My break starts as of now []D3@(3

~SiN~ViCiOuS ( ps bane get ahold of me even if its through fear, so we can talk about that, might have to put it on hold for a week or two _ later fellas

Sinner Takes All ( Sinner For LIFE ) LOVE ALWAYS *( VICBOT 3.0 )

Posted by: {c.C.c.}Deathstorm on Aug. 27 2005,13:45

i've been called an aimbotter myself ( a lot on a truff clan server)

afterwards, the guy called my clan name

he said (while 3 off us on that server, owning) ccc= clowns cowards & c*cksuckers.

i told him to STFU, afterwards i took a screenie off the console
and he got his whining ass banned from all truff servers for life  :alien:    hehe

that's the way to handle it,    get the admin ;)

i hate it when people call me (or any1 else) aimbots, they are dumb,  most (if not all) are protected against every aimbot program etc... , and they don't seem to know.

i freaked when he called ccc clan names.   gorm (clan member on the server with me)  had to handle it, as i  calmed down a bit ;)

and if nothing else works...


Posted by: vicious_killer on Aug. 29 2005,13:55

yeah my girl started school so now i can play in the mornings and stuff and i told her to deal withmy ut playing time, and i also told her, if it pissed her off that bad deal with it or leave me, i know she wont leave me, lol, so now she knows the deal that i love ut as much as i love my life lol :-p
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 30 2005,19:25

Quote (Xofer @ Aug. 26 2005,22:03)
that dude is always camping, he never bothers me because hes easy to kill and has shitty aim, i just ignore him.

when i play, even if i am winning, and someone like that comes on. i tend to give up the game. Don't care who wines or looses, i just like hunting that bastage.....i make that my game. till he/she leaves. takes about 3 maps or so.
except when i am on a server i am an admin of.... then i just warn... and kick, if they come back and don't get with the program.. i just ban then.

Sh!t i even banned wilder from his own server way back, because he wouldn't answer me.. he was winning under a diff name....

He never does that anymore.....  :ghostface:

Posted by: Xofer on Aug. 30 2005,22:55

he was winning under a diff name....

He never does that anymore.....

I think that Oh_Fragged_Me has a different opinion :D

Posted by: wilder on Aug. 31 2005,00:38

:D  he sure does!
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 31 2005,02:27

i wondered how many posts would slip by before he chimed in..... lmao
Posted by: raven on Sep. 01 2005,08:43

I remember that game too, lots of warnings, all because he was wearing the tag wrong too...

\/\/ilder... wearing the tag wrong..... who would have thougth....

I do the same thing, I'll play hunt and seek with trouble makers... ONe thing because it's so freaking fun, the other because it's funny the way they will say that so and so and anyone else killing them are ganging up on him..... which we are, but that's beside the point  :angry: and they still don't get why..


Posted by: slatts on Sep. 01 2005,17:08

i think the tag was right, but the name wasn't someone who was a member.
i don't remember, i just remember banning

and your right, they just don't get as to why they are the hunted.

Rav.. you been schooling the Bane fellow?
the bastage is almost as good with that rifle as you are.
i played him early this morning for a few maps... and all i could think was how much i would like to jam that rifle up his ass... :p

Posted by: raven on Sep. 02 2005,00:43

unfortunately, the student has become the master....

and I haven't been playing as much as I used to these days...


Posted by: wilder on Sep. 08 2005,11:11

same here!  i spec a few here and there for old times sake.  :)
Posted by: twistytank on Sep. 15 2005,09:16

i take care of all the bane schooling slatts :p :p :p
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