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+---Topic: Holla At Me started by vicious_killer

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 14 2005,19:24

Yo What's Up , I just created a account for the second time.. lol... last one didnt work. i am fear the demon's big brother, and i am now a Sin Member, Just wanted to say what's up , And get to know everyone a lil better :) Dont be shy to say hi ( Holla @ Me )
Posted by: wilder on Mar. 16 2005,09:00

holla holla playa!
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 17 2005,11:17

hahaha Wilder, What's Poppin Brah, How Thing's  >?< ? EVERY ONE ELSE " HOLLA " []D3@(3 fam.:cool: :)
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Mar. 17 2005,11:17

this is vicious killer ' Didnt know fear's name was still signed it
DOHH>>> LOL <<< holla

Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 17 2005,12:40

Holla Vicious, and hola :laugh:

Thanks for the nice 1 vs 1 and hope to see you in our match tomorrow :upside:

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 17 2005,12:44

no prob brotha... i dont know if ill make it tomorrow though.. i got work.. but my brother fear will be there with out a doubt :)
Posted by: Guest on Mar. 17 2005,13:13

Quote (wilder @ Mar. 16 2005,12:00)
holla holla playa!

Oh god.... Omfg!  :laugh:  Am I reading this right? Man.... Never thought I'd read Wilder saying anything like that. I have an entirely different view of you now bro.  :oo:

Sup Vish monster... Creature, thing?  :rock:  Just messin wit ya bro!

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 17 2005,13:24

lol Bane, The swamp thang, from ut, hiding slug. :) Love ya to HAHAHA " KisS The Esr " ( KABOOM ) M M MONSTER KILL
Posted by: Queen-B on Mar. 17 2005,14:08


Hahahaha sup Vic. :p

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 18 2005,02:11

yeah i can hear you queen -b holla holla

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 18 2005,02:30

im lookin foward to playin some ut tomorrow around 10:30 after i get off of work, is any one down, just let me know aight []D3@(3 out and ultrox. i look foward to playin you again some time.. i gave you a fair fight indeed, another round is to come , i like playing wit you , we make good sparing match , hope to play you again some day l8a gl at the match tomorrw []D3@(3 :cool:
Posted by: ultrox on Mar. 18 2005,04:39

The feeling is mutual indeed bro  :D
Thanks for the sparing and hopefully we´ll cya soon
It´s allways fun playing with skilled players, the only way to develop as i see it and tonight...
I guess all of us will learn some  :cool:

L8r bro

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 19 2005,00:41

Yah No doubt, i tried to come in on the other computer ultrox.. but it dont like me ... and it is gay, so i gave up with it.. me and fear ut on the same computer, so we got to like take turns but it's all good:) i get the job done some times.. he get's it done also :) holla
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