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+---Topic: Hey started by Queen-B

Posted by: Queen-B on Aug. 11 2010,23:19

Hello?   Anyone hear me?   I'm all alone with my rocket launcher and E.S.R.

LOVE yas.   :p

Posted by: Byte_mE on Aug. 21 2010,07:03

Here... I'll smoke ya.....
Now get out there and ~SiN~

Posted by: Queen-B on Aug. 21 2010,20:30

Well hello there how ya been.

Well theres 2 of us.

Posted by: Byte_mE on Aug. 21 2010,23:21

Becky, doing well, good to see there are a couple of us left here.
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 22 2010,12:16

Posted by: Queen-B on Aug. 24 2010,20:39

Hey we will live for ever.
Jesus said It himself.He came to save the Sinnerz.  

:) Hey yeah nice to see yas.I'm sure a few more will CHIME In.


Can't believe I still have my Sig.(the big one with the Xans; sort of guarding me)My friend DEADPOOL from the WoC clan made It TEN years ago.Times flying.

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