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+---Topic: Hey lets see your Desk tops started by Queen-B

Posted by: Queen-B on Feb. 27 2005,09:12

Well since I just got the new UT engine pic heres mine hehehe.

Lets see yours. :oo:

Posted by: wilder on Feb. 27 2005,11:06

I dont use a desktop picture.  :D

it eats up atleast 100KB of your RAM for smallsize low quality pictures.  The hi-res, large, hi quality can eat over 1MB of RAM!!!

If you're anal about it, you can notice a 0.1 millisecond lag in desktop response from using and not using desktop pics.  I dont use it.  hehehe I like to squeeze every once of juice I can get out of my cpu and ram as possible for things like... gaming.  Sometimes it translate to another +1-2 FPS!  woohooo!

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 27 2005,16:50

see i would send u a pic of my desktop but i dont have a server to put the pic on to link it to here...
Posted by: Guest on Feb. 27 2005,18:02

ftp it to members bro... You have to have the ftp tool to do it tho... I will send it to you on IM. But i use a very small desktop wallpaper.. I will post it later tho.  ;)
Posted by: raven on Feb. 27 2005,19:13

I recall that you used to have desktop pics wild man

the radeon chick

anyhow, I am using the mountain desktop that comes with xp

Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 27 2005,21:38

lmao @ raven so plain lol :-p
Posted by: Guest on Feb. 27 2005,22:06

Quote (raven @ Feb. 27 2005,22:13)
I recall that you used to have desktop pics wild man

the radeon chick

anyhow, I am using the mountain desktop that comes with xp

Yeah, Wilder likes the animation chicks just like someone else i know... * hint hint! *
Posted by: raven on Feb. 28 2005,08:46

what??    me???? well hell ya.

that was the best thing about the 9800, it gave me multi desk and allowed me to have 9 desktops.

I had some scantily clad women, scenery, and anime chicks on them. :D


Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 28 2005,13:14

here is my messy desktop :-D

Posted by: Guest on Feb. 28 2005,14:30

Lmfao! Cant help but to notice the BaNe!.jpg on there... And also chatting wit me on yahoo. :p
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 28 2005,15:45

lol yahh thats that crazy art thing that u sent me last night thats when i took the pic and when i was gona send it to you mater of a fact nvm ill tell u on yahoo im talking to u right now lol
Posted by: ~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON on Feb. 28 2005,16:09

this is banes desktop not mien lol

Posted by: Guest on Feb. 28 2005,19:21

Doh! I coulda posted my desktop bro.  :p Btw... You guys have some messy desktops, your lucky to even see the recycle bin on mine!  :laugh:

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