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+---Topic: Marriage started by raven

Posted by: raven on July 04 2011,23:18

I am getting married tomorrow... kind of sudden, but it was going to happen later anyhow...just moved it up
Posted by: Queen-B on July 05 2011,04:36

congrats.  :)   Hope all goes well for you.
Posted by: Guest on July 05 2011,09:29

Married? forget life as you know it..... jk man, have a great day!

Becky has returned? muahahahahhahahahahhh

Posted by: twistytank on July 05 2011,22:54

congrats man. nice to see some people in here :)
Posted by: MoreCowbell on July 06 2011,09:58

Condolences.........errrrrr, congrats  :laugh:
Posted by: Angel Du$T! on July 06 2011,13:04

Cool,,Be Happy
Posted by: slatts on July 06 2011,18:23

i am happy for you and jen.
my advise... spend cheep on wedding.. spend large on honeymoon!
once you have kids... man you are not going anywhere... it will be a great memory!! :p

Posted by: raven on July 06 2011,20:23

can't get any cheaper than a courthouse wedding. nice and quick.. too late for the kids.. honeymoon is coming, but not for awhile

Thank you all


Posted by: slatts on July 07 2011,18:16

Quote (raven @ July 06 2011,22:23)
can't get any cheaper than a courthouse wedding. nice and quick.. too late for the kids.. honeymoon is coming, but not for awhile

Thank you all


i feel for ya man..!
honeymoon in Canada.... can you speak french at all?
i am working accoss Canada.. can give some good ideas...
btw for honeymoon... ya got grandma's.... lol

Posted by: wilder on Aug. 04 2011,08:48

Congrats Raven!!!  Finally tying the knott???
Posted by: Byte_mE on Aug. 08 2011,16:40

congrats raven..
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