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+---Topic: Da kitty's in da house started by {UTR}Straycat

Posted by: Guest on June 20 2011,10:01

Wake up sinnerz, I need targets, yeah you too, Bane :P
Posted by: twistytank on June 20 2011,15:24

banes too cool to come here now, think he deleted his account :(
Posted by: Guest on June 21 2011,18:05

Why would he do that?
Posted by: twistytank on June 21 2011,23:23

been meaning to ask him
Posted by: Guest on June 22 2011,08:33

well, hopefully he'll come around. Lets try and get some killin' time in later today.
Posted by: MoreCowbell on June 22 2011,09:58

He was around recently, but I haven't seen him in a while either.  Same for Demon.
Posted by: twistytank on June 22 2011,19:17

killin' time comin up right now, I'll be looking for both of you.
Posted by: Guest on June 22 2011,20:15

Im on Burrs server, no sign of anyone yet :(
Posted by: twistytank on June 22 2011,22:04

ahh I left for bin because I didnt see anyone, my bad
Posted by: MoreCowbell on June 23 2011,07:59

I didn't see anyone around either, so I resorted to playing at Dawns  :(

Get on MSN once and a while Chris or in UTR TS & we can set up a time to play.

Posted by: Guest on June 23 2011,08:58

I checked in about every 10 minutes and saw nobody as well. Twisty, get TS3 I'll have Dave ( Saint ) make an account for you. Still dont see you on MSN either. That would be the easiest thing to do.
Brad, I use MSN but alot of times im hidden When I see you, 99% of the time your away...

Posted by: MoreCowbell on June 23 2011,12:14

Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ June 23 2011,09:58)
I checked in about every 10 minutes and saw nobody as well. Twisty, get TS3 I'll have Dave ( Saint ) make an account for you. Still dont see you on MSN either. [][/EMAIL] That would be the easiest thing to do.
Brad, I use MSN but alot of times im hidden When I see you, 99% of the time your away...

That's true... I almost always have it say "busy" because I'm at work  :laugh:

I'm here 90% of the time though  :D

Posted by: slatts on June 24 2011,08:38

Quote (twistytank @ June 20 2011,17:24)
banes too cool to come here now, think he deleted his account :(

yes the account is gone. i left it active for him but took away his admin when he left clan for no reason, or explanation.

i guess he told VA the reason a while back, but would not explain it to anyone. i sent countless emails and messages... no reply.

one day he tried to friend me on face krack... i asked why since he never returned my messages??
he replyed he does not have access the that account anymore... but i see his msn on some days and he does use the account... go figure.

i was pissed ay first.. not that he left for any reason... just the fact that he offered zero explanation what so ever.. can't even find the post anymore..

doesn't bother me anymore.. but i still wonder why.

he is welcome to come back here if he likes... no hard feelings what so ever.
i was surprised to see you guys still playing with him.. and useing same handle...
let him know if he wants another account i will activate it for him.

Posted by: Guest on June 24 2011,10:16

Its been awhile since ive seen him, Slatts. He may have come in a server using an alais but his play style is quite easy to figure out after a few minutes. Maybe he's upset that his skills arnt what they used to be. Go figure, you quit playing of course your skills are going to rust.... Fact is, I still love this game and will probably play it till im on my death bed. Do yu guys still have an FTP to get maps from AND does anyone have a map compresser  that'll work with Win 7?
Posted by: twistytank on June 24 2011,14:31

Quote (slatts @ June 24 2011,09:38)
Quote (twistytank @ June 20 2011,17:24)
banes too cool to come here now, think he deleted his account :(

yes the account is gone. i left it active for him but took away his admin when he left clan for no reason, or explanation.

i guess he told VA the reason a while back, but would not explain it to anyone. i sent countless emails and messages... no reply.

one day he tried to friend me on face krack... i asked why since he never returned my messages??
he replyed he does not have access the that account anymore... but i see his msn on some days and he does use the account... go figure.

i was pissed ay first.. not that he left for any reason... just the fact that he offered zero explanation what so ever.. can't even find the post anymore..

doesn't bother me anymore.. but i still wonder why.

he is welcome to come back here if he likes... no hard feelings what so ever.
i was surprised to see you guys still playing with him.. and useing same handle...
let him know if he wants another account i will activate it for him.

Honestly his reasons for leaving don't even apply anymore if it is what I think it is, but I'm not going to delve deeply into that.  

Stray banes been playing REALLY WELL the past few days, lol.

Posted by: Guest on June 25 2011,10:38

Well, thats good, hopefully I'll run into him today....
Posted by: twistytank on June 29 2011,00:48

those were some really good games earlier tonight, wish I coulda played more my internet started bein wacky
Posted by: MoreCowbell on June 29 2011,08:11

Yes, fun stuff as always.  It's great to see 5-6 people on the server at the same time like that!

I've seen that "dragon slayer" guy around before.  He's an interesting player.  Sometimes he's pretty #### good, & sometimes (like last night) not very good.  Maybe he was just too buzzed to play?  :p

OR, maybe I was too buzzed when I played him before & he seemed better  :laugh:

Posted by: twistytank on June 29 2011,13:14

I think from what DOOM was saying last night that @ss kicker guys and dragon slayer are his brothers, so it may have been doom on his name
Posted by: Guest on June 29 2011,16:17

yeah it was alot of fun especially with no bots. we should do this a few nights a week. Only next time {note to self} dont play buzzzzzzzzed... lol
Posted by: twistytank on June 29 2011,17:58

you still had your shot stray, but #### you were easy to hit :P
Posted by: Guest on June 29 2011,21:02

Quote (twistytank @ June 29 2011,18:58)
you still had your shot stray, but #### you were easy to hit :P

Yup, your correct. But hey, you enjoyed it.  :D

NEWS FLASH: There was a Bane sighting last night, yup, he lasted a little more then one map.... :;):

Posted by: twistytank on June 30 2011,22:03

idk why I can't kill him lately, like at all.  did better vs him when I first came back
Posted by: Guest on July 01 2011,07:39

Quote (twistytank @ June 30 2011,23:03)
idk why I can't kill him lately, like at all.  did better vs him when I first came back

Like many seasoned players, Bane likes to strafe ALOT. well, Its all timing. Im not a rapid fire player, I wait for my shot. I play him exactly like I play VA.... :D
Posted by: Angel Du$T! on July 01 2011,13:58

U kill me in 1 time on bar map, then just a second later u killme on player start. 1 kill and other spawn kill, far way when the first kill was. thats why me and bane left the game. we gonna play when u not. or stop to used that. we see what you do , so ,,,cya
Posted by: Guest on July 01 2011,18:40

Whatever, crybaby, its a kill or BE KILLED game.... you and i HAVE played that way, times are different.....
Posted by: Angel Du$T! on July 01 2011,22:01

its play clean or not,,,,,,,thats all, nothing personal. no ones crying or something. just play clean  we see what you do. no ofence, just matter of fact
Posted by: Guest on July 02 2011,05:25

seems to me its just an excuse to not get your ass kicked... clean? Ok pal, you got it.... What will be your next excuse to run off? Grab your buddy, Bane and come get SOME! What's funny is, Twisty and I have talked about this, he feels like I do, but... Hey, I do like playin you guys and if this is what it takes to keep you in a map, then so be it.....
Posted by: Guest on July 02 2011,05:44

Lets do some 2 on 2s today. You and Bane, twisty and myself. You guys forget the purpose of this game. Its to have fun. If you take it that serious, then its time to take a break... Winning makes no difference to me, having fun does.
Posted by: MoreCowbell on July 06 2011,10:10

I'm pretty new to the whole ESR GMC scene (for the last year or so), but it does seem like 92.365% of people (old school) players try not to shoot at people before they get an ESR  :laugh: .  I even try to do that at Dawns, LOL.

For me, playing with not bots is even better than this rule.... but the two combined seem like the way to go.

2-3 times a week would be friggin great.  I'll be out of town for the next few days, but anytime after that, and I'm good to go.  My trigger finger will be itchy as he&l by then :laugh:

Posted by: slatts on July 06 2011,18:35

what did i just read?? a bitch fest?  lmao..
it's a game people... just get out and play.. have fun...
i get my ass handed to me all the time. :)
but i don't care it's all in fun. some time i even hand peps their ass.

i haven't played in sooooo long, even twisty could smoke me... lol... J/K.
everyone has good and bad days...

have fun. (wish i could join ya's BIG TIME!)

Posted by: twistytank on July 07 2011,22:10

Quote (slatts @ July 06 2011,19:35)
what did i just read?? a bitch fest?  lmao..
it's a game people... just get out and play.. have fun...
i get my ass handed to me all the time. :)
but i don't care it's all in fun. some time i even hand peps their ass.

i haven't played in sooooo long, even twisty could smoke me... lol... J/K.
everyone has good and bad days...

have fun. (wish i could join ya's BIG TIME!)

This couldn't be anymore right, especially the part about me smokin slatts :P
Posted by: Guest on July 08 2011,14:43

Cant have a game without drama,,, But even when the rules are followed, the results are the same  :D
Posted by: Guest on July 08 2011,14:46

Quote (MoreCowbell @ July 06 2011,11:10)
I'm pretty new to the whole ESR GMC scene (for the last year or so), but it does seem like 92.365% of people (old school) players try not to shoot at people before they get an ESR  :laugh: .  I even try to do that at Dawns, LOL.

For me, playing with not bots is even better than this rule.... but the two combined seem like the way to go.

2-3 times a week would be friggin great.  I'll be out of town for the next few days, but anytime after that, and I'm good to go.  My trigger finger will be itchy as he&l by then :laugh:

lol, every clan match had the esr campers, they called it teamwork
Posted by: Guest on July 11 2011,10:26

GGz last night, VA.
Posted by: MoreCowbell on July 11 2011,13:11

Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ July 08 2011,15:46)
Quote (MoreCowbell @ July 06 2011,11:10)
I'm pretty new to the whole ESR GMC scene (for the last year or so), but it does seem like 92.365% of people (old school) players try not to shoot at people before they get an ESR  :laugh: .  I even try to do that at Dawns, LOL.

For me, playing with not bots is even better than this rule.... but the two combined seem like the way to go.

2-3 times a week would be friggin great.  I'll be out of town for the next few days, but anytime after that, and I'm good to go.  My trigger finger will be itchy as he&l by then :laugh:

lol, every clan match had the esr campers, they called it teamwork

Ahhhhhhh, I missed the good old days!   :(
Posted by: slatts on July 11 2011,20:07

i don't miss the campers... but in the old days... you had to work just to get the dam thing...

Posted by: twistytank on July 13 2011,19:18

I still try my best to make sure no one gets it in the bathtub on masterbath, but other than that I know who and who not to kill before they have a gun :D
Posted by: Guest on July 14 2011,06:23

Quote (twistytank @ July 13 2011,20:18)
I still try my best to make sure no one gets it in the bathtub on masterbath, but other than that I know who and who not to kill before they have a gun :D

lol, ur a funny guy, Justin..... :O
Posted by: Guest on July 14 2011,06:24

Quote (MoreCowbell @ July 11 2011,14:11)
Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ July 08 2011,15:46)
Quote (MoreCowbell @ July 06 2011,11:10)
I'm pretty new to the whole ESR GMC scene (for the last year or so), but it does seem like 92.365% of people (old school) players try not to shoot at people before they get an ESR  :laugh: .  I even try to do that at Dawns, LOL.

For me, playing with not bots is even better than this rule.... but the two combined seem like the way to go.

2-3 times a week would be friggin great.  I'll be out of town for the next few days, but anytime after that, and I'm good to go.  My trigger finger will be itchy as he&l by then :laugh:

lol, every clan match had the esr campers, they called it teamwork

Ahhhhhhh, I missed the good old days!   :(

Me too man but back then I was lucky to get 5 or more frags.. I still have screenys of matches from the past..
Posted by: twistytank on July 18 2011,01:21

If I dug deep enough I think I have some goodies of me whippin up on pretty much everyone who still is around here... I conveniently do not have ones of the times when they returned the favor for some reason... Must have been lost in translation.

and what is with this Justin talk stray
:p  :p  :p


Posted by: Guest on July 18 2011,11:59

lol@twisty. Your secret's safe..  :p

Posted by: twistytank on July 20 2011,13:31

I have no secret whatever do you mean?:blues: :cool:
Posted by: Guest on July 21 2011,07:31

Quote (twistytank @ July 20 2011,14:31)
I have no secret whatever do you mean?:blues: :cool:

If you look real close the name Twisty is actually Justin, backwards... :D
Posted by: twistytank on July 21 2011,23:35

well its out now I guess it's time to live with it
Posted by: Guest on July 22 2011,07:05

Quote (twistytank @ July 22 2011,00:35)
well its out now I guess it's time to live with it

There, there dear, it'll be ok. :D
Posted by: wilder on Aug. 04 2011,08:50

woah... people playing '99.
Posted by: Guest on Aug. 04 2011,10:10

Quote (wilder @ Aug. 04 2011,09:50)
woah... people playing '99.

Always the last to know huh? lol  :D
Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 04 2011,15:02

quite a few of us, wonder if the masked avenger will ever show his face :p
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 14 2011,19:30

Quote (wilder @ Aug. 04 2011,10:50)
woah... people playing '99.

well well .... look what the cat drug in..... lol
Posted by: Guest on Aug. 16 2011,12:32

Been awhile dude, where you been?
Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 16 2011,17:38

speaking of where have you been, where has EVERYONE been the past 2 weeks or so?
Posted by: Guest on Aug. 17 2011,02:07

Quote (twistytank @ Aug. 16 2011,18:38)
speaking of where have you been, where has EVERYONE been the past 2 weeks or so?

I  havnt seen anyone in a few weeks. Did play last night with some unknowns, till someones wireless took a shit...
Posted by: MoreCowbell on Aug. 17 2011,08:31

I was on vacation from 8/4 through 8/12.

I'm back now  :D   

Seems like all the servers been a bit dead the last few days .... summer & all, I suppose.  I hate seeing the old timers show up out of the blue (demon & viscious... & bane too, lol) and play for a week or so, then POOF, gone again.  That happens on a lot of servers/clans.  I wish they'd all stick around.

ScA guys/gal don't even play UT anymore  :(   However, I did manage to get a few games in with ~ScA~Callahan this past Saturday night on the ScA Euroserver with my 160+ ping & no ZP  :laugh:   I managed to win one even ... must have been a gimmie, lol.   I haven't seen him in months, and it showed a bit :laugh:

I noticed that the NYB server is down again too.  Not that I played there much.

PKP's had people on the server the last few days.  Good bin slayer server.  They do the same thing... play for 2-3 days straight, then dissappear for a month+.

Where's the dedication people???  :laugh:

Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 17 2011,15:55

Ive played a few times recently with a new player named Wolfie. hes cool as #### and actually respects old timers for having skill instead of calling me a bot like all the other new guys

...I think bane got sick of having his ass handed to him :p  :p  :p  :p  :p

Posted by: Guest on Aug. 18 2011,04:46

Quote (twistytank @ Aug. 17 2011,16:55)
Ive played a few times recently with a new player named Wolfie. hes cool as #### and actually respects old timers for having skill instead of calling me a bot like all the other new guys

...I think bane got sick of having his ass handed to him :p  :p  :p  :p  :p

If he called you a bot , imagine what he'd be calling me.  :D
Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 18 2011,13:09

ehh I usually don't get called a bot in burrserv, Idk how you would fair vs me in MZK but I get it ALL THE TIME there
Posted by: MoreCowbell on Aug. 19 2011,09:32

Buncha noobs at MZK... & campers  :laugh:

It's rare to find someone good like you Twisty, or UT99Killer in there.  G.I. Guns is pretty good at the maps he likes, but he rarely plays anymore either.

Posted by: Guest on Aug. 19 2011,09:40

Been working on my server and im making progress. Added a few different bots, some may surprise you. Crapvote still refuses to work correctly so it isnt being used at the moment. Of course, I wouldnt have to do this if people were playing......

update: Crapvote's fixed. Mutator issue. Might reinstall another but for now, ZP and bin work, maps change  to what there suppost to be now. YAY! Oh, I added a few things, come take a look. lol.....

Posted by: twistytank on Aug. 19 2011,23:13

Stray the only reason I don't stop in your server is I can never find people on it, we should all go sometime when we are all on burrs
Posted by: Guest on Aug. 20 2011,01:29

Quote (twistytank @ Aug. 20 2011,00:13)
Stray the only reason I don't stop in your server is I can never find people on it, we should all go sometime when we are all on burrs

I dunno man, for awhile people were playin #### near every night. Now, all I see playin are the noobs and wannabees. We get enough people we'll migrate over to mine. Oh, and that pesky file that wasnt on redirect is gone.... same with UT4E..
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 22 2011,19:19

i'd play but all i have right now is a 10 inch net book.

my gamer took a dump, and have not had time to fix it.
posts... but just keeps rebooting to windows screen.
no safe mode, no recovery, no reload from disk.
me thinks the ram is pouched.

i cant do nothing. with anything. i am lost without it.
just blew $600.00 on a family weekend,,,, so no coin for a few weeks...
looking for deals to build a new rig, low budget.. mobo, ram, cpu, vid cards. only.
when i get this crap running i will be back.

stray send me that info you sent before about server rentals.... the info is stuck in my gamer.
send via my hotmail... thanks.

Posted by: Guest on Aug. 23 2011,08:41

Quote (slatts @ Aug. 22 2011,20:19)
i'd play but all i have right now is a 10 inch net book.

my gamer took a dump, and have not had time to fix it.
posts... but just keeps rebooting to windows screen.
no safe mode, no recovery, no reload from disk.
me thinks the ram is pouched.

i cant do nothing. with anything. i am lost without it.
just blew $600.00 on a family weekend,,,, so no coin for a few weeks...
looking for deals to build a new rig, low budget.. mobo, ram, cpu, vid cards. only.
when i get this crap running i will be back.

stray send me that info you sent before about server rentals.... the info is stuck in my gamer.
send via my hotmail... thanks.

Slatts, it's game servers dot com. 7.45 for a 10 man, free setup and redirect. WARNING, it's linux... picky, picky, picky...
Posted by: slatts on Aug. 26 2011,14:09

ahh linux... doh!

i hate scripts..... havent seen scripts since fragism days (2001)

just dropped off my ram today for testing. buddy said a couple of days...
was looking at prices while in there... liked what i seen.

might just rebuild the whole bloody thing. if the ram turns out fine...
it's faster than playing around for weeks pulling my hair out... lol

Posted by: MoreCowbell on Sep. 09 2011,07:59

And *POOF* .... everyone is gone again  :(

Twisty, where'd you go?

Posted by: twistytank on Sep. 09 2011,22:48

my computer is completely ko'd im using nieces notebook to give everyone that update. should be fixed in the next week or so it took a lightning strike during the thunderstorms brought on from hurricane irene. i have someone whos gonna repair it for free but im waiting for the flooding in my area to stop a lot of central PA here is underwater atm.
Posted by: slatts on Sep. 12 2011,19:31

i feel your pain... i have a 10 inch net book.
one stick of ram was baffed, and cause they were dual channel.... dead.
bought new ones... got message can't mount hard drive... bought new drive... now looking at vid cards...
so chuck it.
re-doing everything... picking uo mobo and vid cards this week... have to take ram back and get ddr3.
still looking at cpu's cand coolers.... hopefully soon.

Posted by: Guest on Sep. 12 2011,22:02

Well, hurry up guys.
Posted by: MoreCowbell on Sep. 19 2011,12:13

Sorry to hear it, Twisty..... Hopefully it works out soon!  :)
Posted by: GurL on Oct. 09 2011,16:45

Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ July 14 2011,07:24)
Quote (MoreCowbell @ July 11 2011,14:11)
Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ July 08 2011,15:46)
Quote (MoreCowbell @ July 06 2011,11:10)
I'm pretty new to the whole ESR GMC scene (for the last year or so), but it does seem like 92.365% of people (old school) players try not to shoot at people before they get an ESR  :laugh: .  I even try to do that at Dawns, LOL.

For me, playing with not bots is even better than this rule.... but the two combined seem like the way to go.

2-3 times a week would be friggin great.  I'll be out of town for the next few days, but anytime after that, and I'm good to go.  My trigger finger will be itchy as he&l by then :laugh:

lol, every clan match had the esr campers, they called it teamwork

Ahhhhhhh, I missed the good old days!   :(

Me too man but back then I was lucky to get 5 or more frags.. I still have screenys of matches from the past..

Goodie but oldie :p

Ok now, ya'll can kick my ass on the server, since im not as good as I used to be back in the days :laugh:

Posted by: MoreCowbell on Oct. 10 2011,12:09

LOVE the mirror screenie!  :D
Posted by: Guest on Oct. 10 2011,18:20

Yeah, old screenys, my how times have changed.  :cool:
Posted by: MoreCowbell on Oct. 11 2011,11:50

Posted by: Guest on Oct. 31 2011,07:12

Where the F U C K  is everyone, I need to KILL dammit! lol

Posted by: slatts on Nov. 02 2011,09:47

living in motel rooms right now. blows.... not back home till mid november.
i did manage to buy parts for my gamer... sitting on my desk waiting for me to get home. :(

Posted by: Guest on Nov. 13 2011,09:33

That sux bro, and now, more wonderful news. Burrserv is no more. He let it go.
Posted by: MoreCowbell on Nov. 22 2011,10:18

Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ Nov. 13 2011,10:33)
That sux bro, and now, more wonderful news. Burrserv is no more. He let it go.

That really sucks, Slatts.... and for the Burrserver too ....  Maybe your server will start getting used more? :)
Posted by: slatts on Nov. 22 2011,16:39

yep i made it back.
working in my regular place.... then i got to get my stuff ready for winter first.
might gut out my case and clean it tonight..  :D

< Watch this video >

Posted by: wilder on Nov. 22 2011,18:00

Quote (twistytank @ June 24 2011,09:31)
Quote (slatts @ June 24 2011,09:38)
Quote (twistytank @ June 20 2011,17:24)
banes too cool to come here now, think he deleted his account :(

yes the account is gone. i left it active for him but took away his admin when he left clan for no reason, or explanation.

i guess he told VA the reason a while back, but would not explain it to anyone. i sent countless emails and messages... no reply.

one day he tried to friend me on face krack... i asked why since he never returned my messages??
he replyed he does not have access the that account anymore... but i see his msn on some days and he does use the account... go figure.

i was pissed ay first.. not that he left for any reason... just the fact that he offered zero explanation what so ever.. can't even find the post anymore..

doesn't bother me anymore.. but i still wonder why.

he is welcome to come back here if he likes... no hard feelings what so ever.
i was surprised to see you guys still playing with him.. and useing same handle...
let him know if he wants another account i will activate it for him.

Honestly his reasons for leaving don't even apply anymore if it is what I think it is, but I'm not going to delve deeply into that.  

Stray banes been playing REALLY WELL the past few days, lol.

hope Bane didn't leave because of me.

seems like he just stopped talking to me or something.

But he's always welcome back... when I said once a sinner, always a sinner, I mean it.

Anyway one if UT plays well on Windows 7 64bit???

i played like once a year and last i tried it almost a year ago... no one was on... and i was getting my tail kicked.

For an entire year I've been working mon-sunday... and putting in 60-80 hour workweeks... not sure when i can play... and when i seem to get 1 hour spare time to hop on... no one's there or i forgot how to configure and which server to go.  :(  go figure.

I'm glad to see the games still alive after 10 years!!!  And Sinnerz still pwning.

Posted by: MoreCowbell on Nov. 23 2011,08:08

Anyway one if UT plays well on Windows 7 64bit???

Yes, UT99 plays killer with Win 7 64 bit.  It's REALLY nice....  :D

Posted by: Angel Du$T! on Nov. 24 2011,19:26

Windows Xp 64 bits here, UT its Ok, my 256mb for video on rig not cool. i play on 640 x 480.
I dont talk with bane in months, but he was playing like allways,  with us and  no problems. He dont wanna put tagg, i asked when, he said "maybe later". cyas.
Burrserver gone, PPP was on but now gone, ScA have zp again, Zeisel server is on , and other cool ctf insta server, that is what i see in last check. so there still some place when we can play.,  cya

Posted by: Guest on Nov. 28 2011,11:21

What? My server's the last resort? Far as Bane goes, he comes and goes., rarely wearing the ~sin~ tag. Just like so many elite players that leave the game, then come back to discover there skills are rusty or in Banes case, gone. Good player, was a good friend.

FYI: My server is now running spawn protect so there cannot be anymore ESR camping.

Posted by: slatts on Dec. 01 2011,18:48

Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ Nov. 28 2011,13:21)
What? My server's the last resort? Far as Bane goes, he comes and goes., rarely wearing the ~sin~ tag. Just like so many elite players that leave the game, then come back to discover there skills are rusty or in Banes case, gone. Good player, was a good friend.

FYI: My server is now running spawn protect so there cannot be anymore ESR camping.

ya i will be back soon rusty as ####. but i don't care.
all the more reason to go hard.  :D

my boss has me jumping hoops right now... big dead line for the dec 23 holidays.

the topic that never dies... had to go back to page one to see what it was all about in the first

Posted by: Guest on Dec. 03 2011,16:55

Work always comes first man. We'll be here, well, errr, I will....

Posted by: slatts on Dec. 11 2011,16:03

i am getting there... have a system now with just OS and virus...
would have had it done today... but kids wanted lights up outside, and i guess i better get to the tree.... lol

HEY Sean do you still have that MSI Neo4 Platinum SLI board....

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