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+---Topic: Colder months more action started by Queen-B

Posted by: Queen-B on Sep. 27 2011,00:45

Hopefully we can get of us together this winter for some good games,It's been ahile for me.Like riding a bike though,after a few maps It will feel like 2001 again.Like all these years have been a dream.
Posted by: Guest on Sep. 27 2011,16:51

We've been playin off and on. Alot of cpu's are fucked at the moment. Cant wait to see you in action again...
Posted by: MoreCowbell on Jan. 13 2012,08:43

Well, it's COLDER, and I haven't seen ANYONE around lately  :laugh:
Posted by: slatts on Jan. 13 2012,11:53

Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ Sep. 27 2011,18:51)
We've been playin off and on. Alot of cpu's are fucked at the moment. Cant wait to see you in action again...

you will be seeing me real soon.. about two weeks...
i did get my gamer running... but have done nothing with it. the side is off it and cables and drives hanging out of it. while i was running around shopping for parts. i found some new afordable goodies.

i bought enough stuff to fix my gamer. it runs but i want a new machine. the stuff was good for its day but the twin core just doesn't cut it now a days. since i stopped building machines i have lost track of what is out there. though a quad core would work... as six core would be a bit steap in price. holly cow batman they got 8 cores for a decent price... wow! started buying new parts for another system. i was sitting on a fence for mobo up until 3 days ago. went in to buy it and they were out. so i will be grabing it monday. i am back to 44 hours a week, no more travel, and will have time to do things at home.

once i get that out of the way... i need someone with some know how to help me with the new server that is comming.

Posted by: Queen-B on Jan. 13 2012,23:16

Well maybe the Peter Pan of UT will come and we can go live there 4 ever and never get old.  :)
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 14 2012,17:55

I got your back, Slatts. My duel core does very well :)  amd 7750 thinks its a quad..
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 14 2012,17:56

Quote (Queen-B @ Jan. 14 2012,00:16)
Well maybe the Peter Pan of UT will come and we can go live there 4 ever and never get old.  :)

We're waitin' on ya  :p
Posted by: Guest on Jan. 14 2012,17:57

Quote (slatts @ Jan. 13 2012,12:53)
Quote ({UTR}Straycat @ Sep. 27 2011,18:51)
We've been playin off and on. Alot of cpu's are fucked at the moment. Cant wait to see you in action again...

you will be seeing me real soon.. about two weeks...
i did get my gamer running... but have done nothing with it. the side is off it and cables and drives hanging out of it. while i was running around shopping for parts. i found some new afordable goodies.

i bought enough stuff to fix my gamer. it runs but i want a new machine. the stuff was good for its day but the twin core just doesn't cut it now a days. since i stopped building machines i have lost track of what is out there. though a quad core would work... as six core would be a bit steap in price. holly cow batman they got 8 cores for a decent price... wow! started buying new parts for another system. i was sitting on a fence for mobo up until 3 days ago. went in to buy it and they were out. so i will be grabing it monday. i am back to 44 hours a week, no more travel, and will have time to do things at home.

once i get that out of the way... i need someone with some know how to help me with the new server that is comming.

Lemme know when you get it, I'll help you build it and have a few kewl SCA maps we'll load up. Remember Game Servers, $7.45 per/m free set up and redirect but you can use mine to if you want ( its ALOT faster ) lol

Posted by: twistytank on Feb. 09 2012,07:13

ugh I miss UT.  Really need to get my computer up and running again now that I'm down to working 1 job and have a steady living situation again.
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 09 2012,18:32

Quote (twistytank @ Feb. 09 2012,09:13)
ugh I miss UT.  Really need to get my computer up and running again now that I'm down to working 1 job and have a steady living situation again.

whats wrong with it?
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 10 2012,20:00

man oh man OH MAN! i cant believe how many hosting companys are out there now...WTF? i did a bunch of server testing tonight. some were crap and a few good. thought i had one. but it lagged large every time someone joined or left.

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