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+--Forum: Users' Game Review
+---Topic: Final Fantasy XII (PS2) started by wilder

Posted by: wilder on Dec. 12 2006,11:00

Final Fantasy XII
Platform: Sony Playstation 2

Well I'm no big follower of Final Fantasy.  I believe I played the first on on NES long time ago and I dont remember anything from it.  After that, I played Final Fantasy VIII on PS, and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I got IX, but my ex gf kept it -- i cant get it back.  I skipped X and XI althogether.

So here I am with a copy of XII, and no PS2.  Well good thing PS3 is backward compatible, so I'm finally catching up with some PS2 titles I missed.

I'm about roughly a quarter way through, and man this game is huge.  It's quite impressive for a PS2 game, an sadly it may be better than most PS3 and XBOX360 games out there!

Posted by: wilder on Jan. 02 2007,12:51

well... I've finally finish FFXII the first time through.  Boy, this is one loong game!  I have to admit, I did not pursue collecting every single item in this game.  Otherwise it would be another 2 months before I'd completed the game.  There's tons of side/secrets left I couldnt pursue.

The ending left me wanting more, so that was the only dissappointment.  Square Enix rarely make sequals, so I a bit sad to see it over.  The ending was a bit on the easy side.  I powered up only 3 characters, at level 72, 65 and 65 with 2 deathbring and god save the queen swords.  I easily slived through the final boss without any issues or danger of losing.

Final words, it's definitely worth playing, and holds true to any AAA+ title.  It's a top 10 game of 2006, and if you own a ps2, it's a game to play while waiting on a ps3 if you're not interested in the Wii or Xbox360.

the story itself is awesome.  It some points it felt like it borrowed some parts from StarWars, and LOTRs movies.

my score on a 10 scale: 9+
Posted by: slatts on Feb. 23 2007,20:40

Quote (Amadenane87 @ Feb. 23 2007,13:22)
< http://i-love-anxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxfile=829440 >

i do not dare click this from work!
who the F is this guy??
and why post anal here?

Posted by: vicious_killer on Mar. 02 2007,09:17

final fantasy is the all time best game  i have every played in the play station 2 department...
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