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+--Forum: Users' Game Review
+---Topic: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) started by wilder

Posted by: wilder on Jan. 14 2007,12:22

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Platform: Nintendo Wii

Well this game won Nintendo's Game of the Year for both Wii and Gamecube on nearly every top10's.

Heck it even won overall Console game of the year, as well as game of the year period awarded by Gamespy.   Go ahead and check.  Even if it's not #1 on all charts, you'll find it in the top 10 overall.  

I've casually played nearly all the Zelda's except for the Gameboy versions: Link's Awakening, and the 2 Oracle games; and N64's Majora's Mask.  I have them but have not had the time to play through.

The last one I played Wind Waker, was the same: top10 contender and one of that years best game.  I played it and it rocked.  Maybe it's the Zelda fanboy in me speaking.  That's why you need to play it for yourself and tell me if I'm lying.

Ocarina of Time is still by far one of the best games I ever played in the last 10 years, and I still remember the story and scenes from it even now.  It was that good.  So Twilight Princess has a not to live up for; from the initial looks of it, it appears to be kicking ass and taking names.

At this point,  I've played pass the first 3 temples; and every moment of it was a delight.  Every boss fight was extremely fun -- not too hard, but figuring out the boss weakness and then a way to exploit that weakness is extremely satisfying and fun.  Every one of the fight is unique and different.  I wish they have a way to unlock the game where you can just fight the bosses over and over and over.

More to come after I am able to finish this game.
Posted by: wilder on April 12 2007,18:33

Well I finally just finish this game.  And it's awesome.  I love every boss fight... some were easy other were a bit challenging, but they were all fun!  i sometimes load back my save game to before the boss fight, just to beat the boss again and again and again until I'm bored.

The ending was awesome too.  The round against Ganon was classic.  Even though it's technical an upscale GC title with adapted controls for Wii, it's still great game!

Here's to you nintendo for not dissapointing.  So when's the real Wii Zelda coming out???

my score 9+/10!

Posted by: twistytank on May 01 2007,22:29

I played it once and it seemed fun, but it seemed entirely too hard to catch a fish :p
Posted by: raven on May 01 2007,22:47

my girl has the gamecube edition and loves it. is begging me to get the wii version, but i can't justify (in my head) any difference between the two. perhaps you can help me out..

besides the nunchuku fishing for the wii, what other differences are there?

wii vs. GC?
I know the stories will be the same, what I'm asking is the controls..


Posted by: wilder on May 03 2007,13:48

you can aim with the remote by pointing on the screen.  and you do sword fights by moving the remote around like a sword.  --> good exercise.
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