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Topic: My Controller for UT< Next Oldest | Next Newest >

Posted: April 16 2003,23:26

Quote (~SiN~Slatts @ April 15 2003,23:43)
i dont use dlb taps..... i loose my concentration and get smoked.. :(

nostrodomo is about $50 USD.  maybe cheaper now.  :D

almost got one... the  i'm not fug it.  i play good enough with the numpad.  

u gotta add the doubletap slatts... makes you a harder target!
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Byte_mE Offline
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Posted: April 17 2003,09:15

Quote (diablo @ April 16 2003,21:26)
nostrodomo is about $50 USD.  maybe cheaper now.  :D

almost got one... the  i'm not fug it.  i play good enough with the numpad.  

u gotta add the doubletap slatts... makes you a harder target!

$29.95 at CompUSA, I just replaced mine, I wore the out
the 2nd hand one I was using.

slatts, i agree with diablo u gotta add the doubletap
makes you a harder target! except it has not helped
me in avoiding twistytank...man he's got some aiming


~SiN~Byte_mE's First Law of Opposition
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Posted: April 17 2003,11:24

Quote (Byte_mE @ April 17 2003,07:15)
Quote (diablo @ April 16 2003,21:26)
nostrodomo is about $50 USD.  maybe cheaper now.  :D

almost got one... the  i'm not fug it.  i play good enough with the numpad.  

u gotta add the doubletap slatts... makes you a harder target!

$29.95 at CompUSA, I just replaced mine, I wore the out
the 2nd hand one I was using.

slatts, i agree with diablo u gotta add the doubletap
makes you a harder target! except it has not helped
me in avoiding twistytank...man he's got some aiming

If that's true,

I'm afraid what the kid can do when we unlock his full potential.

I dont question his aiming skills, but last we danced, experienced reign supreme.  Something I thought Scratch early on.

He learn no matter how good of aim he has, he cant touch me in the game unless he put it all on the table and willing not to rely soley on aim.  

You cant hit what you cant see i always say.  ;-)

also from HBK (WWE), "dont hunt what you cant kill..."

I'll like to be able to have you guys join me some weekends late nights were work on some weaknesses and tune our strengths.

Pretty much if you play like me, (so-so aim but nimble) we'll fine ways to do what we can for aim, but work on being nimble... your movements, your translocating... flipping... etc.

and if you got a nasty aim... work on making it better, and improve some dodging skills to buy you the time to get the lock on a frag with that nasty aim.

Everyone is different.  Gotta figure out what works for each of ya and make it work better.  Slatts want you to join to.

Problem is i only play mostly late nights on weekends.

first lesson: Deemer Whoring 101.
it's not about hogging the deemer to yourself... it's about how you use it affectively.

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scratch Offline

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Posted: July 20 2003,14:56

This is too funny. :D  

Like Sean said you cant depend on aim alone.And I will put it all on the line when I play.Being risky will when matches.The n50 is available to everyone who chooses to use it so anyone that thinks it is an advantage get off your 30 bucks and go get one..... :D

When we gonna get some more games in Sean.Had a blast last time we played..... :D

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wilder Offline
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Posted: July 21 2003,13:59

The RatzPad is nice too.  :D

I feel like my mouse is gliding on air...

kinda like the smooth movement when playing airhockey.

hasnt really help my aim that much... wait... i think it has... not sure... w/o the pad i play at .75 to 1.5 mouse sensitivity...

with it.. I'm at 2.5 now.  =/  aim feels the same tho... but atleast my turning is a lot faster... so it must help with that.

usually when i turn too fast at that sensitivity my mouse goes crazy.  

So after playig UT for 2 days with it... my initial verdict:

* didnt help with aim.
* didnt hurt my aim.
* lets me play at higher sensitivity.
* which let me turn a lot faster, harder for players to lose me now.  :D

1 thumbs up.

maybe after playing with it for 1 week or 2 and getting use to it... it  might help my aim even more and i'll give it 2 thumbs.  we'll see.

price $14.99 each...


AKA ~SyN~AmEn -- CTF
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Posted: July 23 2003,20:49

u all have friggin wierd controls... i dunno how u do it, well maybe thats why u all are so easy to hit :p  ... my controls are fairly simple  

Z= left strafe
X=right strafe
scroll= switch weapons
right click=move forward
left click= shoot
shift= alt fire.

now if u wanna do some serious ownin i suggest u all switch to those controls hehe lol   :laugh:
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wilder Offline
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Posted: July 23 2003,21:44

lol... da hell ytou play with controls like that!  lol

it's no wonder you dont switch weapons so fast.  :D

i know you weakness now.  :D

ur controls remind me of marathon controls...  anyway... you're missing a button for kneel-down.

and you dont got room to use other keys to bind, esr, translocator, and deemer.

Edited by wilder on July 23 2003,21:48


AKA ~SyN~AmEn -- CTF
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Posted: July 24 2003,12:41

yeah ive always been wonderin about that.... hmmm so should i set a single key to a single weapon? and then i will be able to switch faster.... i have c = croutch if i forgot to add that.......lol pfft weakness u must be forgettin i dont have any  :D

Edited by _AcTioN_ on July 24 2003,12:41
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Posted: July 24 2003,12:42

well maybe i could set a or s as esr/ trans i dont use deemer much anyway because i always end up killing myself lol  damn deemers :angry:
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wilder Offline
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Posted: July 24 2003,17:32

man i should intro you to the art of deemer whoring...
look at bane... he's a whore now...

he kills himself all the time, it dont stop fun..its fun watching actually.


AKA ~SyN~AmEn -- CTF
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