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Posting Spree
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Group: Super Administrators
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Posted: Aug. 25 2008,10:17 |
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Here are some helpful raw key bindings that can be done with the push of a button... some of these are simple.
First push the ~ button and then type: Preferences Second go to Raw Key Bindings Third pick any key you want to have as your hot key. Fourth start typing.
If you want to say anything type: Say (input saying) If you want to change your name: Setname (input name)
Weapon bindings, these require knowing the name of the weapon.
Translocator WarheadLauncher SuperShockRifle EnhancedShockRifle Chainsaw ImpactHammer enforcer doubleenforcer SniperRifle ripper UT_Biorifle ShockRifle PulseGun minigun2 UT_FlakCannon UT_Eightball
LeftMouse=Fire RightMouse=AltFire MiddleMouse=getweapon Translocator MouseWheelDown=getweapon SuperShockRifle | EnhancedShockRifle MouseWheelUp=getweapon SniperRifle
If you want to see the scores you can do an onrelease cmd F1=ShowScores | onrelease ShowScores
If you would like to disconnect from server: disconnect Need to kill yourself to : suicide
You can do alot more than above and I have added links below.
http://osx.beyondunreal.com/files/sample_user.ini.html http://www.techspot.com/tweaks/ut/print.shtml http://www.xantaz.net/Help-Ar....nds.php http://cleaned.beyondunreal.com/UTFaq/ALIASES.HTM
enjoy rAveN
if anyone has any additions, please add them.
Edited by raven on Aug. 25 2008,12:25
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Group: Super Administrators
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Posted: Aug. 27 2008,20:08 |
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show me how to bind 4 diff wep's same key.... pending on what server i am on...
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Posting Spree
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Group: Super Administrators
Posts: 1135
Joined: June 2003 |
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Posted: Aug. 27 2008,21:26 |
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from what I see from the links and such... just add a | and it will cycle those weapons...
I just want my esr to pop up when I teleport, but it don't work on all servers.... :*(
Weapon Grouping MouseWheelUp=Getweapon PulseGun | getweapon ut_biorifle | Getweapon UT_Flakcannon
This is just an example for weapon grouping. What the keybind will do is switch to the last weapon of the row, that you have and that you have ammo for. If your already hold that weapon the moment you press the key, you switch to the next lower weapon. This way you can define a weapon group (here: Short Range Weapons) with priority increasing to the end of the group and cycle between the best two weapons of that group.
You can use any weapon in these groups and as many as you want. These are the correct names to be used:
Translocator, ImpactHammer, ChainSaw, Enforcer, SuperShockRifle, DoubleEnforcer, PulseGun, SniperRifle, Ripper, UT_Biorifle, Minigun2, UT_FlakCannon, ShockRifle, UT_Eightball, WarheadLauncher
Edited by raven on Aug. 27 2008,21:28
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