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slatts Offline

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Posted: June 15 2005,02:16

Hey bud... go to web admin for server....in the mutator section... the very bottom one is Zark assult rifle...put that mod in and rotate the map...(not re start)... every weapon is a sniper....Happy camping......  :p

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slatts Offline

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Posted: June 15 2005,02:18

just do me one favor will ya...well for the rest of us anyway,

stick that rifle up RaVeN'S ASS WILL YA......LMAO.  :laugh:

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Posted: June 15 2005,12:17

rAveN's not the easiest target in the world you know... Hides in hard to see/ reach areas. Sneaky mofo!  :p
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wilder Offline
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Posted: June 15 2005,17:12

yea that beotch always foil my killing sprees!  I go on rampages with 1 more frag before unstoppable and he makes it his mission to stop me.  :(

I cant get anything past rampage when he's sniping on the same map!  lmao


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Byte_mE Offline
senile and cranky old fart

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Posted: June 16 2005,19:18

Quote (slatts @ June 15 2005,05:16)
Hey bud... go to web admin for server....in the mutator section... the very bottom one is Zark assult rifle...put that mod in and rotate the map...(not re start)... every weapon is a sniper....Happy camping......  :p

just do me one favor will ya...well for the rest of us anyway,
stick that rifle up RaVeN'S ASS WILL YA......LMAO.  :p

sweeett.... you rock... now if i can get some game time...


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~sin~FEAR_THE_DEMON Offline

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Posted: June 21 2005,08:09

LoL i love to hunt snipers its so much fun i always hunt that elite  dad guy out i pick um off from acros the room hehe :-p and raven i love to hunt caz hes constontly on the move obe is becomeing kinda like him so more hunting HEHEHEH die sniper die :-d :angry:


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slatts Offline

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Posted: June 21 2005,09:31

i got my mod's confused... you want sniper arena.
but it does suck with maps with little or no rifles...

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Byte_mE Offline
senile and cranky old fart

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Posted: June 24 2005,07:06

slatts, you might want to look at the SUF servers for sniper map ideas

{SUF} #1 Sniper and Camper Server\\7778\False
{SUF} #2 Sniper and Camper Server\\7778\False

there are a bunch of really big converted ctf maps


~SiN~Byte_mE's First Law of Opposition
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